Chapter 39: TheGreatDance (science fiction, fantasy and YA romance)

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About the author:

Well, I am a teenage girl living in NZ. I love reading (especially fantasy and science fiction), and writing of course. :)

Author's Name (Wattpad)?


Where are you from:? 

New Zealand

Where do you get inspiration from?

I don't know whether I have any specific thing that I could peg down as my inspiration, but I have an overactive imagination, so maybe that's my inspiration? I aspire to be like some of my favourite authors, and fantasy inspires me. Sometimes pictures or songs do. Or other stories, like me thinking of alternative endings, and then developing that into something completely unrelated to the story I was actually reading lol. :)

What are your interests?

I love dancing, singing, reading, and writing. I'm interested in science fiction, fantasy and YA romance writing.

What genres do you like to read?

Science fiction, fantasy (dystopian stories!) and YA fiction.

What genres do you like to write?

science fiction, fantasy and YA romance.

What stories do you hate? 

I hate fanfics. Because they can be amazing writing but it's so unoriginal. Spend your time making your own story, it pays off in the end. I don't mind cliche, as long as it is slightly different. Most romances are rather cliched anyway (girl meets boy. complication, fixed = love!).

Any advice for budding authors who don't know where to start?

Read. I don't mean steal ideas, but just read some good books to get a feel for some good writing. Read on wattpad, and help some other people, maybe join a writing club or group at your home? Or even here on wattpad? Don't give up on something just because you have writer's block. Talk over story ideas with someone close to you (sister, brother, mom, dad). If you get frustrated, leave it for the day. Come back when you feel ready to continue.


About the Stories:

Uhm... well I only have one right now that is completed, and I'm working on the sequel.

What is it called?

Rules Were Made to be Broken


Science fiction/adventure/romance

Who is the main protagonist (character)?


What are they like?

Protective, smart, not afraid to take a chance, been through a lot though.

Summary/Synopsis of the story:

After a destructive war leaves Eva prisoner for four long years, will freedom really save her or tear her apart? Rescued from her prison by a long lost friend, she must try to rebuild the life she lost. But unwillingly drawn into a battle she left years ago, she must fight to regain the freedom she never truly had. Can she survive or will she fall victim to the deadly whispers of evil? Love isn't meant to be easy, but for Eva, it may just prove deadly. (This summary does kind of suck though).

Extra information about the story:

It's set in the future, after a huge world war. If it confuses you in the beginning, keep reading to find out the answer. :D

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