Chapter 64: SenC147 (Humor)

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About the Author:

Author's Name (Wattpad)?


Where are you from:

Indonesia ;D

Where do you get inspiration from?

My personal experience.

What are your interests?

Humors, anything that's funny.

What genres do you like to read?


What genres do you like to write?

Humor, duh. :P

What stories do you hate?

Sad stories. Boring.

Any advice for budding authors who don't know where to start?

Write whatever you want. Look for comments, it will help you improve, make it interesting ;D


About the Stories:

What is it called?

The Unexpected



Who is the main protagonist (character)?

Allison, Ryan, Mark

What are they like?

They're psycho!

Summary/Synopsis of the story:

Once there was a girl, with a huge obsession with mythical creatures such as leprechauns, unicorns, etc. She also had a slight obsession towards her sixth grade crush, Markus Thompson. Well, not just a slight obsession, but a huge obsession. She was suffering from this new decease called MOS, or Mark-Obsessed Syndrome.

She followed him everywhere. And by everywhere, I mean everywhere including the toilet. Creepy, I know. But nothing stopped her from chasing her dreams, as her mother always said to her to follow her dreams.

Enter Ryan McLane. A new guy, who made her heart go all burned. No, it wasn't because she was in love, it was quite the opposite, though. She was jealous. Jealous, you ask? Yes. She was jealous about the proximity, or friendship, I should say, between Ryan McLane and her so-called future hubby, Markus Thompson.

In case you were wondering who this girl was, her name was Allison Carter, as in me.

Extra information about the story:

The main purpose of writing this is just to express my personal experience, nothing too much, though.

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