Chapter 65: TheNamesTaken (Fantasy/Mystery/Thriller)

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About the Author:

Author's Name?

TheNamesTaken, Laura in all honesty

Where are you from?

New Zealand

Where do you get inspiration from?

Generally from other people's stuff. (I don't plagiarize I swear!) I read a really good book or see an awesome film or hear some inspiring song lyrics or something, then I sorta get an idea from that and take it and develop it and make it one hundred percent mine. And sometimes I also get random ideas that I just HAVE to write. Generally when I'm going to sleep I think of story ideas and sometimes something genius just pops up. And I get inspired by things that happen to me in real life, too.

What are your interests?

Doctor Who! Ha ha seriously I love hiking and tramping, I'm currently in Youth Search and Rescue which is really, really fun. I like reading and I also like writing. A lot. I dunno, a lot of stuff interests me. For example names. I like names. Names are funny. Just recently I found this random name generator which gave me this gem: Mads Quinten Ó Scolaidhe. (That's a male name, by the way) Awesome, eh? Names names names. I like thinking up names for my characters. Generally I put a lot of thought into this and I'm rambling again.

What genres do you like to read?

Fantasy! And mystery. I haven't read much of those but they're generally interesting, or sound interesting. I "hate" horror but somehow Steven King is one of my favourite authors. I don't like sci-fi too much either but somehow I wind up reading it way too often. Eh? Like Timeriders by Alex Scarrow. I love those books. They're the sort of books I'd generally be bored by but I dunno, somehow I just love 'em.

What genres do you like to write?

Haha same as above. Fantasy and for some bizarre reason, a lot of sci-fi. I'd love to write thrillers or murder mysteries but I don't think I ever could write well enough for it. I write stupid, vaguely funny stuff too sometimes.

What stories do you hate?

The ones that start with "Hello, I'm Iolanda O'Shea (see that name? Told you I like names) and I'm a teenage werewolf! Hey guess what, I'm in love with my best friend who also happens to be a vampire. Oh noes! What can I do 2 get his love?????" And Tomorrow When The War Began. I know this is going to make me sound uneducated and boring but seriously, I really couldn't stand them. And I hate all things werewolf and vampire, mainly because they'll all be fanfiction disguised as something original. Oh and don't even get me started on fanfiction! Why the hell does that exist? WHY? Yeah, fine, you like the world it's set in and blah blah blah mutter mutter but let's be honest, it's never going to be as good as the real thing and writing it will only leave with a nagging sense of spiritual emptiness that'll bother you until you die one day, realising only then that the problem was that when you wrote that stupid OneD fanfiction all those years ago and infected Wattpad with it you were, in fact, selling your soul.The art of writing was never meant to be defiled by such worthless (expletive expletive expletive) as that! Oh and don't even get me started on those "steamy romances". We don't want to read about your wet dreams! Wait - can girls get wet dreams? We all know it's mostly females writing that trash.

Excuse my rant, I hate bad writing.

Any advice for budding authors who don't know where to start?

Basically, read. Read a lot. And every time you get a sentence in your head that sounds cool, just write the thing down. And who knows, magic could happen from there! Also, if you have all these ideas but have no idea where to begin, write the ending. It'll give you something to shoot for and hopefully you can figure out from that what needs to be in your previous chapters. And one last thing: edit! Your work will always, always benefit from it.


About the Stories:


What is it called?

Misery and Sorrow


Sci-fi (see?? there we go) and fantasy. And post-apocalyptic.

Who is the main protagonist?

There are two: Misery, and Sorrow. They're twin sisters.

What are they like?

Misery's a bit of anti-social whacko who's blessed with one of those brains that never needs to study and works at the speed of light. She points and laughs at stupid people. Sorrow is psychic and scornful of the human race, and all its futility and stupidity. She makes a habit of looking after Misery, because Misery is too reckless to look after herself. She never gets close to people for fear of trusting them.

Summary/Synopsis of the story: The end of the world came in 2012, as predicted. Everything got pretty much destroyed but some of the human race survived, and rebuilt the world based on shattered memories of how it had been before. Now, sixteen years on, everyone's repressed their memories of it. Sorrow is the only one who knows, being psychic. Misery just thinks life is normal. But behind the scenes there's a shadowy organisation working to make sure that the end stays forgotten. But Misery and Sorrow cross their path, and everything starts to fall apart...

Extra information about the story: It used to be in first person, but I got suggested it would be better in third so I rewrote the first couple chapters. They were right. The third person one is better. However, it'll probably make clearer sense if you read the first first.

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