Chapter 60: distanthearts (Fantasy/Romance)

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About the author:

Author's Name (Wattpad)? 

My username is distanthearts, but my real name is Kailin.

Where are you from? 

Singapore :)

Where do you get inspiration from?

I get inspirations from the most random things: song titles and lyrics, other stories, and even from my dreams. Of course, most of my inspirations come from my friends and other books.

What are your interests?

Writing and reading are definitely some of my interests. But other than that, I love to draw, design things, run, and swim. I'm definitely not one of those stay-at-home-and-draw-circles kind of person!

What genres do you like to read?

I can go on and on with this question! I can safely say that I can almost all sorts of genres, but my definite favorites are fantasy and romance. Although, adventure doesn't stray far from my list of awesome books!

What genres do you like to write? 

Definitely Fantasy Romance stories. It's so much more fun to build a whole new world with your stories and you can set your own rules, and of course, a little romance to make things more interesting.

What're stories you hate? 

Fanfictions. That's one. They all start the same, and end the same, though I do have a soft spot for my friend's The Wanted fanfiction. And those stories that are full of vulgarities. Swear words totally spoil the mood of the story!

Any advice for budding authors who don't know where to start? 

Well, I'd say don't give up! I'm sure you all have your own ideas and plots to begin with, but you just don't know how to start. Make a list of possible ideas and plots, strike off those you don't like, and from what you have, tweak it a little bit, and ta-da, you have your very own story! Have faith, and believe!


About the Stories:

What is it called? 

My current story is called Siren's Call!


 It's a Fantasy romance story.

Who is/are the main protagonist(s)?

My main protagonists in this story are Danae Levesque, her best friend Vincent Hunt, and her lover, Lucas.

What are they like? 

At first glance you might think that Danae is a shy, quiet girl who cries at everything, but as you progress into the story, she's actually not. She's strong-willed and tough, and definitely holds her own. She cares dearly for her friends, especially Vincent, her best friend. Vincent Hunt, though on the surface, is Danae's closest friend, he actually loves her dearly. He is sharp, witty, and honest with Danae, he is just as strong as Danae, perhaps even more so. Lucas is one of those mischievous characters, but still loves Danae greatly. He doesn't hesitate to tease her and joke around, but on the inside, he is someone whose life was torn apart, and cares very much about his closest friends. He is also very sensitive to people's feelings, and is extremely perceptive.

Summary/Synopsis of the story:

When her parents and brother is murdered, Danae Levesque finds herself with a shattered life and broken heart.  AIl that changes when she visits a circus that arrives once every hundred years in her little hometown. There, in a world of magic and danger, she meets Lucas. Charming, handsome and mysterious, Lucas sweeps Danae off her feet when he offers her a home in the circus, home she's certain she'll never find with her dead family. As she slowly becomes part of his family, she learns the reason for the circus's existence, and Lucas's secret. She vows to do all she can to keep the boy she loves alive.

But things are not as simple as it looks. Danae and Lucas are not just two teenagers with their lives detroyed by death. Their fates have been intertwined even before they were born. When an enemy arrives, Danae finds herself torn between two worlds and in deep trouble.

They say that a siren's call is the deadliest thing in the world, and the siren the most despicable creature anyone can meet. What if this time, Danae is the siren sent to lead Lucas to his death? 

Extra information about the story: 

Siren's Call is the first story that I am actually serious about writing and finishing. Even though I had some other ideas in the past, I can ever put them into words, and since I've succeeded in doing so for this story, I'm planning on sticking to it all the way to the end. The inspiration for Siren's Call came from another story, and although I went a lot of bumps throughout the story, I think that this story just might work. 

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