Wicked Step-Daddy

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I look across the bar and immediately lock eyes with my step-dad Jordan. Shit. Shit, shit, shit! Fuck! What the fuck was he doing there? He was supposed to be out of town on business!

His eyebrow raises condescendingly, as if he's not too pleased to see my underage ass in this underground club. But shit, I do what the fuck I want to do. He's not my Daddy. My Daddy's dead. He's got one other child he can tell what to do but I'm not cowering under his dirty look or his fake authority over me.

Still, I don't think it's a good idea for me to stay in this club as long as he's here. I was hoping I'd meet some hot guy and hook up for a wicked one-night stand. Now I'm going to have to kiss that orgasmic dream goodbye because his ass wants to break rank and show up at a club when he's supposed to be somewhere else.

Still looking at him, I poke my friend Rachel in the side and practically push her off the bar stool she's sitting on. She doesn't look too pleased. She was flirting with a semi-hot guy with a ring in his nose and it looked like they were about to kiss.

"What the fuck Lucy?" she croaked, almost choking on the glass of liquor in her hand. She was underage just like me and had no business drinking anything that wasn't diluted with water.

"We need to go," I firmly said, seriously looking at her. "Now."

"What's the problem? Is it because you haven't met anyone yet? I'm sorry. This place is crawling with super-hot guys and equally hot girls. The female to male ratio in here is the pits. I'm sure you'll meet someone soon though."

I put my hand on my hips and glowered at her, insulted by her lack of faith in my sexual magnetism. I had her by several inches of hair, flawless skin, three bra cup sizes, and tons of ass. She wished she was hot as me. Still, she was right. Guys hadn't so much as looked at me since we'd arrived an hour before and she'd already had three guys posted up on her. My mom liked to tell me men preferred sluts over goodie goodies. Maybe that's why my step-dad had hooked up with her in the first place. Oops, had I said that?

"No bitch," I testily said. "We need to leave because I'm being cock-blocked. My step-dad is over there."

"Where?" she shrieked, whipping her neck around. "Where?"

I frowned at Rachel and rolled my eyes. She had a super gross crush on my step-dad and it was borderline stalkerish. Whenever she came over to the house I shared with him and my mom, she always made an excuse to be in the same room as him or walk by whatever room he was in. She wasn't subtle in the least. My mom had given me severe instructions to never leave the room whenever they were in it together. She didn't trust Rachel as far as she could throw her. Then again, my mom was an insecure bitch so that was no surprise.

"Over there," I pouted, jerking my head towards the bar. Rachel looked his way and gave him her most dazzling smile but he didn't look at her. His eyes stayed glued on me.

I gulped as I returned his penetrating stare. My step-dad Jordan was a good-looking man. He so fine he was almost pretty with close-cropped black hair, dreamy dark bedroom eyes, and a never-ending five-o-clock shadow. I honestly didn't think the man ever shaved. I liked his unkempt look though. I thought it was hella sexy. Shit, did I think that out loud too?

I bit my lip as I continued to hold his gaze. His jaw was tightly clenched and the cigarette he'd been smoking when I'd first seen him there was clenched tightly in one of his hands. He put it to his mouth and sharply inhaled, blowing out a puff of clear smoke as he glared at me. Okay, so I was underage. I wasn't supposed to be in the club. I had finals tomorrow and he and my mom had both warned me that I wasn't to leave the house under any circumstances all week because I had major studying to do. But shit, what did they want from my life? I was only 18. Just a kid.

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