Soldier Boy Part VIIII (Final Chapter)

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I was the lowest piece of scum that had ever walked the face of the earth. There was no way of talking my way out of this one. When I died, if there was a heaven, I was sure I wasn't going to it. I had my reasons for doing things and they didn't always make sense to others, but it made sense to me. But this. This was the lowest I'd ever sunk. And I wasn't too happy with myself.

Exhaling a stream of cigarette smoke from my nose, I stabbed it out in my ashtray and looked up at the big, palatial three-story brick house I was parked in front of. This was only my second time seeing it but it still took my breath away. It was in one of the richest parts of town, in a suburb called Holloway. I had no business being in that neighborhood. I didn't fit in. But I had a job to do and I'd done it. When opportunity knocks, you don't question or hem and haw about it, you just jump on it. That's what I'd done. Now, I was regretting it.

I rested my head against my headrest and wearily sighed. I wanted to drive off. I wanted to skip town, leave the country, and disappear. I should go inside and tell them I'd changed my mind. I had a right to do that. I'd done what they wanted. They should be done with me now. My mission was accomplished. My only task was to seduce the woman and make her fall for me, and I'd done that. It wasn't a hard to thing to do. I'd been charming my way into women's panties since I was fifteen. I was a pro when it came to seduction and breaking hearts. When I got older, it became my job to be whatever a woman wanted me to be whenever I needed to be it.

Bedding London hadn't been hard. She had fallen for me as quick and as easy as they'd said she would. The surprise was how quickly I'd fallen for her in return. I hadn't expected I'd want to get to know her better. That I'd like her. That she would make me feel things in a short period of time I'd never felt in my life. The more time we spent together, the harder it was for me to lie to her. When I left her three days ago, it was difficult for me to walk out of that hotel and never turn back. To not run back inside and tell her the truth. Tell her she was being set up. That I wasn't who she thought I was.

I looked back up at the house of ill repute and clenched and unclenched my jaw. I needed to end this now. I had done my job. I needed to tell them I'd made a mistake. That this wasn't for me. I didn't feel good about what this could possibly do to London. What it would do to both of us if she found out. I'd signed a contract but it wasn't binding. Least, I didn't think it was. I never had a lawyer check it out. They told me it was a temporary job. I was sure I could tear the contract up and refuse to continue any time I wanted to. What could they do? They were old, miserable people. It wasn't like they were tied to the mob.

Running my fingers through my hair, I exited my Cherokee jeep and made my way to the steep stone-paved front steps. Screw the money. I didn't need it. I wasn't exactly rolling in dough but I made more than enough to get by. There were always jobs and women available to me whenever I needed it. I would forget London. I would get over her. I would erase her from my mind with no problem. I was great at pretending. I'd been pretending my whole life.

The more I told myself that lie, the less I believed it. The woman had done something to me. I don't know what it was but it was choking the evil bastard out of me. I liked that guy. He wasn't a punk. He took what he wanted without remorse or regret. The last thing I wanted to do was turn into a miserable sap like my old man was. Losing your heart to the wrong woman could damage you for life. Based on what I'd heard about her, I was sure London wasn't worth that risk.

I trotted up the steps to the door and rang the doorbell. Adjusting my clothes, I ran my fingers through my hair again and patiently waited for someone to open the door. Seconds later, a short, robust brown-skinned man with a balding head opened the door, skeptically looking up at me. I had him by about seven inches.

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