The Billionaire Alpha

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Part I


"What kind of girl are you looking for?"

"I don't know. Just a girl."

"But what kind? I need specifics."

Jordan Knight restlessly sighed as he paced back and forth across the soft carpet in his hotel room. "Lady, I don't care. Just a girl. Shit. Pretty. Nice body."

"What color hair?"

He frowned. "What color hair? I don't give a fuck what color it is as long as she has it, I guess."

"Mr. Knight, this is a very prestigious and reputable escort service and we have a wide range of ladies available from all walks of life, backgrounds, ages, and ethnicities. Our clients' satisfaction is the number one priority for us. It would really help me out a lot if you could narrow things down so we can get you the best girl possible."

"Lady, I just want to fuck. That's it. I just want to fuck. Maybe even eat some pussy. Shit, I don't give a fuck as long as she's clean."

"Well, I can assure you she will be. We insist on screening and testing our girls on a regular basis."

Jordan drained the scotch in his glass and worked his jaw as he poured another helping. "Well, that's good, that's good. That's good to know. So, send me one."

"Why don't you try looking through the girls in the database on our website? That way you can be sure you get what you want, and you won't be disappointed."

"Look, I don't have time for all that. I'm only in town for a short while. Just send me someone beautiful. Preferably exotic. Dark-haired. Nice body. Big tits." Jordan downed his Scotch and loudly coughed as it stung his throat. He poured another glass. "Gotta have big tits. Hair's gotta be long. A big butt. I like big butts."

"Any particular age?"

"Young. I like them young."

"Young as in early twenties? Eighteen?"

Jordan shook his head and wiped his nose. Eighteen-year-olds caused too much drama. Fucking them was amazing but they always got attached and that wasn't good. "Twenties is good."

"Hmmm..." The lady grew quiet for a few minutes. "I think I have just the girl for you. Alexandria. She's one of our top/most requested talents."

Jordan bit back a laugh and slowly sipped his Scotch. Talents? That was a new one. What did she do? Spin on her head while she gave head?

"Look, I don't want anyone who has been around the block too much," he said in a no-nonsense tone. "I mean, I'm sure as an escort she's screwed more than her fair share of gentleman but I don't want a loose pussy. That shit has to be tight."

The lady paused for a moment. "Well, I don't know if her... pussy is tight or not but I do know the customers who've had the pleasure of her acquaintance are always more than satisfied and they always come back for seconds. Sometimes thirds, fourths, and fifths."

Jordan's eyebrow rose in interest. "What is it about her that makes her so popular?"

"I guess you'll have to find that out for yourself Mr. Knight."

Jordan walked to the picturesque view of his downtown hotel room and quietly gazed out the window. "What color is she?"

"Does it matter?"

"Like I said, I want exotic."

The lady paused again and cleared her throat, clearly annoyed. "She's mutli-racial. Black, white, and Colombian."

Jordan's dick got hard at the imagined visual of what this girl might look like. "Are her tits and butts big?"

"Yes, Mr. Knight," the lady said in an embarrassed, annoyed tone.

"Good. Then I'm sure I'll be more than satisfied with her."

"Okay great. And how will you be paying for this?"

"Charge card." Jordan carefully called his credit card number out to her and turned away from the window, walking into the kitchen to grab a bottled water from the fridge.

"Excellent. We did a background check on you during this conversation, so I'm pleased to know you pose no threat. The safety of our girls is very important."

Jordan grimaced. He didn't appreciate being spied on without his knowledge but one had to expect it was necessary in their line of business.

"I also want to stress to you that since you are not one of our regular clients and we don't have a record of your sexual history, you will be required to use a condom during each encounter you have with Alexandria, including oral."

Jordan leisurely swallowed some of the cool water and leaned against the refrigerator, crossing his ankles. "What if I don't want to use one?"

"Then she will not be having sex with you," was her cool but firm reply. "Of any kind."

Frustrated, Jordan softly thumped the back of his head on the refrigerator and sucked his teeth. Well, they'd see about that. Jordan didn't like using condoms. They were a nuisance and the pussy didn't feel the same with them. He and Alexandria would have to discuss that when she got there. The lady had verified she was clean and he knew he was clean. Maybe with a little extra cash, she could be persuaded to go raw with him.

"Whatever," he sniffed.

"Alexandria will be with you for a total of two hours, no longer. If you would like extra time, you'll have to call us back and pay an additional $500.00."

"Only two hours? For $1000.00? You people are fucking nuts."

"You can always cancel Mr. Knight."

The breezy, arrogant tone of her voice was starting to work Jordan's last nerve. "Fine," he griped, walking back into the living-area. "For what I'm paying, this bitch better be worth it."

The lady paused at the misogynous insult but didn't reprimand or chastise him for it. "May I have the location of where you'll be meeting?"

Jordan spouted off the hotel name and address.

"Alexandria will be there in approximately one-hour Mr. Knight. Again, if you would like to take a look at her, you are more than welcome to visit our website." She paused. "Thank you for your business and we hope next time you're in town, you'll use us again."

"I can guarantee I will if she is as fabulous as you say she is."

"Sounds great. And I can assure you she will be worth every penny. Have a good evening." With that, she disconnected the call.

Jordan tossed his phone on one of the side tables by the couch and gulped down the rest of his water. Restless, he paced back and forth across the floor. He didn't know why he was so nervous. It's not like he'd never fucked a girl. Hell, it wasn't like he'd never hired a "professional" before. But it had been a while. He wasn't the relationship type but he had more than a few women on standby in several cities when he was traveling, for those nights when he didn't want to be alone and he needed a meaningless pussy fix. He embraced casual, meaningless sex. It was more fulfilling to him than that relationship crap. He'd tried that relationship crap once. It hadn't worked out. He'd been burned terribly. Since then, he kept his heart guarded and his dick full of pussy.

When he wasn't fucking around, he stayed busy being the CEO of a multi-billion dollar real-estate firm, passed down to him by his Grand-father and Father. As the only heir and only child, everything was solely his and he'd capitulated the family business to heights his late Grand-father and Father had never expected. Relationships only complicated things. Slowed him down. His business suffered terribly during the brief time he was in love and in a relationship. He was determined to never make that mistake again. He was number one and he was addicted to being number one. Nothing and no one would ever get in the way of that again.

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