Jordan loves Penny

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"I still can't believe I get to kiss you whenever I want," Penny giggled as she peppered sweet kisses all over Jordan Knight's handsome face.

"Tell me about it," he said, giving her a deep-dimpled grin. "I never thought I'd get involved with one of my fans. The other guys have done it more than once, but it was just never my thing. I never wanted to mix the two. Until I met you."

"You mean you never fooled around with a fan before? Ever? Never even liked one?"

"There are definitely more than a few I found attractive, but I just never wanted to risk it."

"So, what made me so special?"

He pondered for a few moments, absently rubbing the curve of her hip as he thought. "You saw me. You really saw me for me and not who you thought I was or what you wanted me to be. You weren't afraid to stand up to me or tell me off. That was very appealing to me. And you didn't care what I thought about you."

"I care now."

"And I'm glad."

Their lips touched in a gentle, sweet kiss.

"But you still have your own mind," he added as he pulled away, licking her taste on his lips. "You're not afraid to speak it. And I love that about you,"

Her only reply was a small smile. She shyly cast her eyes downward then softly looked at him when he put his hand to her chin, tipping it up.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you are today?" he asked.

Penny's body warmed from her scalp to her toes. She grinned bashfully. "Yes."

"Well, let me say it again. You're beautiful."

She wiggled beneath his touch. "That's because that's how you make me feel."

He gave her a sexy smile; then his eyes narrowed with desire as he looked into her eyes. "Come here," he whispered.

His hand slipped to the back of her neck as he pulled her towards him again, looking at her as he kissed her. Penny's arms went around Jordan's neck as he slipped both of his arms around her, pulling her close and holding her tight.

Penny lured her lips away from his and kissed him all over his face; lingering on his forehead, neck, beard, and going back to his soft, warm lips.

Jordan began kissing her neck and her eyes drifted to the back of her head. "Jordan," she whispered.

He continued kissing her on the neck and she dug her nails in his back, pressing herself tighter against him. "That feels so good," she whispered.

Jordan began passionately her again, drawing a moan of pleasure from the pit of her stomach.

He groaned in agony and tore his lips away from hers, stumbling backwards and turning away from her as his hands flew to the side of his head. "Fuck! I can't stand this!"

Penny struggled to breathe through the lingering effects of his soul-stirring kiss. "What's wrong?"

"I swear I can't take this. I swear to God I can't take it."

Penny walked over to him and stood in front of him, willing him to look into her eyes. "What are you talking Jordan?"

"The way I feel about you. It's making me crazy."

She frowned, struggling to understand what he meant. "Is it bad?"

Jordan seriously looked at her, adamantly shaking his head. "No, no baby. Don't misunderstand what I'm saying. You... You're just- "

"What? What is it Jordan, tell me."

"Nothing. It's me. I mean, I think about you all the time. I can't open my eyes in the morning or fall to sleep at night for thinking about you. God knows I can't sing a song without picturing your face as I sing it. And it's making me fucking nuts."

"Why? What is it? Are you saying you don't like the way you're feeling?"

"No. I love it. Baby," he helplessly sighed. "Penny, I think I'm falling in love with you."

Penny was speechless. Her heart somersaulted in her chest as she vulnerably stared into his emotional eyes.

"And it makes me afraid," he quietly said. "I've never felt this way before. Sometimes, like just now and every-time I kiss you, I never want to let you go. It scares me because I think I'm moving too fast with you. I mean, every-time I look at Donnie and Melissa they're always goofing off and laughing. They're nowhere near as serious as we are."

"Are you saying that you don't want us to be serious?"

"No, that's not what I'm saying. I want to be with you and only you. Period. But I need to know if you want what I want. If you want to be my girl. Be with me and only me. Is that what you want?"

Penny emphatically nodded as a tear fell from her eyes. "Yes."

"I'm not moving too fast? I know it's only been a few weeks- "

"No, no Jordan. I want this."

Jordan kept talking over her like he hadn't heard her. "If I'm not what you want just let me know right now. I'm a man; I can take it. I can walk away from you, from this, and never look back."

"No, Jordan no." Penny threw her arms around him and Jordan instantly threw his around her, squeezing her as he buried his face in her neck, inhaling the sweet flowery scent that drove him so crazy.

He silently held her as she continued to sob in his arms.

"You don't know how glad I am to hear you say that sweetheart," he huskily whispered into her neck.

Penny pulled back to look at him. "Jordan, believe me, I know how you feel. I'm afraid too. I'm also afraid of how strong my feelings are for you. I've never felt like this about anyone before. Ever."

His bedroom eyes held hers as she continued to speak.

"But I believe in this," she confidently continued. "I know we can make this work. God intends for us to make this work. Think about how we met. How it all came together. It makes sense. I can't question it. It may sound foolish for those that don't know us and what we have, but... I don't think we're moving too fast. I know Melissa and Donnie met at the same time we did, and it seems they're taking things slow and it's all fun and light-hearted with them, but... I'm not saying theirs is any less serious than what you and I have. It's just different."

He slowly nodded in agreement. "Right."

"Believe me, you're not pushing me into anything. I like the way you show me how much you love me. It gives me the strength to love you back as hard as I can, without fear."

His eyes intensely searched hers. "So, you're saying you're in love with me too?"

Penny nervously played with the fake fur on the collar of his leather jacket and nervously looked up into his eyes. She mutely nodded.

Jordan placed the back of his hand to her face and softly stroked her smooth skin. "That's not an answer baby. I want to hear you. Let me hear you say it."

Penny took a deep breath and closed her eyes, sighing deeply. She slowly opened them and looked into the eyes of the man of her dreams. The man she loved and would always love.

"I love you Jordan."

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