1: Three Musketeers

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MMMmmm... god... what time is it....

I looked at my phone. Time read 7:34am. Oh fuck... I'm late for school and we have a test in 40mins!? Great. Ah... a text from Mika?


                                                              MKSass(Now Chatting)

MKSass: Hellooooo!? 😐  Are you gonna wake up or noo??? I know you still asleep bro!

MKSass: I'll keep spamming you till you wake yer lazy ass up! KANG (y/n)!!

MKSass: Honestly... yer a handful my child lol

KANG: Yes mama, I ish wake ;) and late haha... ofuck

MKSass: Sis... hurry and get dressed, I'm outside waitin 4 you! We have tEST DUUUH!

KANG: aye aye captain! ♥

MKSass: Aish.. my very special child indeed... i wonder bout ya

Mika. A very special friend of mines from our first year of high school. We've been friends since and we're in our first year of college. Time flies. She's the realest person I know, and the only one I can tell my problems to... Though that be the case, she's a bit of an aggressive person. But loving! A mom, but not like a mom, more like... a sister I probably would of cried every time I saw her as a kid. That goes to show how much I care for her short self.

"Sleeping beauty art thou awake?", she teased. "I wonder about that", I chuckled while opening her car door. 

We finally arrived to school, Seoul X University. Our school is kind of well-known. Thanks to all the good looking people who attend here, that is. As well as some celebrities like T.O.P from BigBang, C.L from 2NE1, and others have attended here. But it wasn't for long. That didn't matter to people though, they flocked this school as soon as they heard the news. I came because it was close to my aunt's house. As soon as I finished high school I moved into a somewhat decent apartment closeby with my saved money.

"(y/n), Nico said he'd be here... but that doofus is nowhere! Da HELL?!", she said with a frown on her face. This was normal for Mika to get mad at Nico. I suppose a push and pull relationship between them?

Someone tapped my shoulder and motioned me to be quiet. It was Nico. He then tip-toed behind Mika and gave her a back hug. She jumped and accidentally elbowed him in his face.  By accident? Maybe not. "OW ow ow.. damn bae, have you been into MMA lately? Sheesh", Nico said while crouching on the ground. Mika just huffed, but blushed at the same time.

Nico. A brown skinned, well fit guy. He's popular in the school due to his exotic looks and blonde dreadlocks. Athletic and smart, but not the brightest guy when it comes to Mika. They aren't dating, but it sure seems like it. Tom and Jerry kind of thing.

All three of us rushed to class, making it in time just barely. We had psychology together. Not my best subject, but I still like it... Also... I didn't study. Great way to start the morning knowing I'm going to flunk this test...


Hi! I made another story yea, but I'll be working more on this

seems a bit more intriguing... after my F.A.I.L!

(First Attempt In Learning)!

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