32: Mon Dieu

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*knock knock*

"Mmm...someone at the door?", Y/N quietly said while yawning.

"Yea...I'll go get it. Stay here and rest ok?", I slowly moved off the couch and Y/N fell right back to sleep.

That girl...must be really tired after eating... Cute

I walked over to the door and opened it.

"Jihyo...Glad I found you."

Maybe I shouldn't have opened that fucking door.

"Yoon-gi....", why is he here!? And he has the nerves to...oh my goodness. "What the hell do you want!?", I quietly whispered as I closed the door behind me, allowing for he and I to step out into the hallway.

"Aw don't be so mean...", he stepped closer to me and pushed me up against the wall.

I swear...

"How did you find me...you damn stalker", my eyes glared at him.

"Hm...that's a secret", he narrowed his eyes.

Secret my ass

"Did I not tell you to stay the hell away from me at the airport? Are you senile? You must want to die...", I scoffed at him.

"Airport? I don't recall", he smirked at me.

"Is that so...? Let me help you remember then...", I slightly smiled and balled up my fist.


Socked him right in his stomach. Being an idol has some benefits to power and stamina...

"f-fuck!", Yoon-gi was crouched on the floor in pain.

"Don't think you can do whatever you want...I'm done with that shady business, and with you. Point blank period.", my hand started to throb but I shook it off and was headed back to my room.

"J-jihyo...I....", he coughed . "I'm sorry...I just still... l-love you...".

"Love...me?", I turned to him and raised my eyebrow. "You must be a fool to think that what we had was love.".

Got some nerve talking about love. I continued walking away and didn't care to listen to what else he had to say.

He's dead to me.

When I opened the door to the room, I noticed that Y/N was still sleeping. 

Thank god...

"Y/N...", I walked over to the couch and leaned over her.

"Ne...", she cutely smiled but her eyes were stilled closed.

"Come, let's head to the bed"

"Wae...so comfy here", she whined.

"I'll let you have a taste...", I blew into her ear.

Y/N quickly opened her eyes and hopped off the couch. "Gomawo!". She picked me up and was bringing me to the room.

"W-what... p-put me down!". Of course she wasn't listening to me.

Why does she just do whatever she wants...ugh but it's such a turn on...No no...keep it together Jihyo...

Y/N set me on the bed and was on top of me.

"Now... I'm gonna...."


"I'm gonna sleep", she giggled and rolled off me.

Sleep!? Oh you...got me all hot and bothered for no reason!? 

"Sleep? Wh--", Y/N hugged me around my body.

"Shh...let's just stay like this for a while", she breathed into my neck.

"O-oh...ok", I replied. Her body is so warm. Add that plus my already hot and bothered body heat. You're asking for a fucking fire to start...

I really didn't want to close my eyes, so I just looked up at the ceiling.

Why is the past slowly starting to come back an haunt me... The things I've done makes me feel dirty...it makes me feel unworthy alot of times. But...I'm so glad I met Y/N...even though we started off on the wrong note. We grew and I found out she needed me as much as I needed her. My past, my wrongs...seem to all float away when I'm with her. I'm so...Happy? Yea...Happy.

"I can sense you thinking"

"Muo-ya!? H-how did you know...", how did she know! Is she secretly a mind reader...

"Well...you just confirmed it. It was just a guess", Y/N started laughing.

More like she can play mind games...

"babo...", I chuckled.

"oh? Daebak..."

"Are you being sarcastic?", I rolled over and looked right at her.

"Eh? Ah? Nani?"

Even though I want to pinch her little nose, I can't help but be amazed at how cute she is...

"Whatever", I just rolled my eyes.

 Y/N leaned into me, making our lips inches apart. "I love you...", she gently kissed me.

How dare you...but don't stop please...

She released her lips from mines.


"Now...let's rest", she smiled and closed her eyes.

"F-fine...", even though I'm not that tired.

"Ah...one more thing" 


Heyo! I missed you all :)

Anywho, here's my 2cents:

Jung JinwooGames (feat. Jimin Park (박지민)) 

Recently found him, but I've been a fan of Jimin Park (not BTS lol)

Love that song...and both their albums ;)

Lian: Do guys also say oppa to guys older than them?

Me: lol hell no... we say hyeong. *gag* Can't imagine myself saying "oppa" to my damn hyeong

Lian: That so...then what do you call girls older than you?

Me: Nuna

Lian: Say that again?

Me: Uh... Nuna...?

Lian: Great. You're finally calling me the way you would back at your home.

Me: You want to be called Nuna? What the...

Lian: *nods head excitedly* 

Me: *facepalms*

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