29: Live & Learn

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"(y/n)....", Leo stood up from the chair. He looked sad and frustrated at the same time.

Maybe I should hear him out...

I looked up at him, eager to hear what he had to say.

"I...", he shook his head, but continued. "Look, I apologize for not telling you the full truth...as you know I'm always protective of you and Mika...and...". He took a deep breath, but couldn't finish his sentence.

Mika saw how stressed he looked so she put her hand on his shoulder. "We understand Leo... everyone makes mistakes...But...", she slowly removed her hand from his shoulder.

"But that doesn't excuse you to be a dumbass!", she punched him in the chest. I doubt it was that hard cause all he did was groan and straighten back up. That man could really be Iron Man or Mika is just a weak ass midget.

Leo slightly coughed, "What the hell...well I did deserve that, I'll let it slide". Thanks to Mika it seems that the mood slightly lightened up. Everyone started laughing at the unexpected act by Mika. 

"I apologize as well...to you all", Jihyo spoke up. She looked at hand, then at me. "No more hiding...I promise", she said while intertwining our hands together. 

I nodded and smiled at her.

"Must be nice...showing off how coupley you two are", Mika smirked at us with her arms crossed.

"Being a bitter midget will keep you single", Nico snapped at Mika. This was interesting.

"Excuse me!?", Mika turned her head to Nico and glared at him.

"Ya heard me.. Mika Wilson", he put his hand up and gave her the 'L' sign over his head.

"I think we should go before they start fist fighting...", I whispered to Jihyo.

"Fist...fighting?", clearly she didn't get to see the ugly side of Nico and Mika...

"You two! Stop it! Grow up...really....", Leo snapped at them, making them immediately stop. How funny.

Leo's phone started ringing. "Ah... excuse me, gotta take this call". I nodded and he went off to the side.

From afar I could see him talking on the phone while his foot rapidly tapped the floor.

Is he okay? What's making him nervous or even mad that his foot has to tap so fast...

Just as I was thinking that, he was making his way back to us.

"Nico...Mika...I've gotta go. Business purposes. I already paid for a room here, so you two stay in it. Okay?", he slightly bent over to Mika's level and smirked at her. "Is that alright with you, Miss?".

Mika's face was priceless...I've never known anyone to make such a Resting Bitch Face...and so animatedly hilarious.

"Si, hijo de puta", she cutely replied. It was scary to see her say it in such a cute way when in fact what she said wasn't very cute...

Leo scoffed then smiled at her before playfully rubbing the top of Mika's head. "Good. See you soon". He faced me, then to Jihyo, and lastly to Nico. We waved goodbye to him and he headed off into the distance.

"I wonder what kind of food they have here!", Nico excitedly said.

"There's a restaurant called La Vie just over there", I pointed in the direction of the restaurant.

He nodded and smiled. "Mika, leggo. (y/n) needs some alone time with her boo", he winked at me.

"N-noooo! I wanna stay with (y/n)!", Nico grabbed her and dragged her to the restaurant. "(y/n)....!", Mika's voice faded out as she went further away.

"Cute....", I quietly said.


My eyes grew wide. I didn't know Jihyo heard me.

"You heard...?"

"Duh... I'm like right here", she started laughing. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Whatever...but where to now?"

"How about....we order room service back at the room"

"You're still hungry?!", I was surprised she was still hungry. We just ate...

"I definitely am", she looked me up and down while biting her lip.

"Y-you don't mean...."

"Exactly what I mean", she replied.

This girl really is comfortable around me...

I took a deep breath. "Fine fine...But I call shots on buffalo wings! Don't you dare order the same!", I smirked at her.

"Wow... That's what I was gonna get! Well whatever, I'll just get the Korean BBQ sampler!"

"They have that!?", my eyes squinted at her, wondering if she was lying.

"Did you not read the menu?"

I shook my head.

Jihyo started laughing, "Your lost...baby". She moved into me and pecked me on the lips. That surprised me. But while I was there being stunned, she was making her way into elevators.

"W-what the...Hey! Waiittttt! Keep the damn elevator open! Stop pressing the close button!", I quickly ran after her. She was trying to beat me to the room so she could order that damn Korean BBQ.

"No way....", she laughed.

"Can we switch foods!? I want the BBQ samplerr!", I yelled while trying to catch the elevator doors before they closed.

"A definite N-O", it was too late to catch her. When I got to the elevator doors before they fully closed, I saw a glimpse of her winking at me.

This girl...

Must be why I love her...

"Damn you Park Jihyo...", I quietly laughed to myself.

While waiting for the next elevator to arrive down, I suddenly felt like someone was staring at me.

I turned my head and noticed there was a lady standing a few feet from me.

That lady from the other day when Chaeyoung brought me in...At it again at the staring?

She and I were having a staring contest until the elevator doors dinged open.

But before walking into the elevator, I decided to flap my arms like a bird once again.

That startled her and she quickly looked away.

"That's right...BAK BAK BITCH", I said under my breath.


Lian: Did you get more ice cream from the store?

Me: I did

Lian: The right kind?

Me: Yea

Lian: Did you get Snickers Ice cream...

Me: Ne...Si...Hai...Yes

Lian: I knew it... Even though I said KLONDIKE!


Lian: You right...you right...

(Sorry for shorter one! I got y'all for double update ;))

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