34: Make Babies ;)

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I stretched my arms and legs while getting out the van.

I'm so stiff...maybe because I didn't do my daily exercise with Jihyo today

"Stop grunting like an old man", Nayeon tapped my back while I was bent over stretching.

"Ha...ha...funny", I slowly stood back up and faced her. "What are ya about to do now? Since we're pretty much free for the rest of the day"

Nayeon shrugged. "I guess head to the pool or something...dunno", she sighed and I could tell she really didn't know what to do next.

"I see...well I'm about to head to the bar. You're always welcome to join me if you're lonely", I winked at her.

"Omo...does Jihyo know you're out here hoeing?", she laughed and playfully slapped my shoulder.


"I kid, I kid", Nayeon was still laughing. "But thank you, I'll keep that in mind."

I hummed in response. This is actually the first time we've spoke to eachother personally. Usually we're always with everyone else so I never really get the chance to talk to her. She's cool...but she's got a dirty mouth.

"Nayeon-unni! Jeongyeon-unni is calling for you!", Dahyun called out to her.

"Oh now she wants me and all my goodies..", Nayeon said under her breath and shook her head.

I slightly laughed, "You should probably head to her. Don't wanna make your husband to wait long, right?". Nayeon raised her eyebrow at me.

"My husband?", she came up to me and pinched the right side of my face. "How cute, but you're right. That ostrich ass girl is my husband. Hate to admit it though", Nayeon released my poor little cheek and smiled at me. "Of course I didn't forget your offer. We'll see...so save me a seat just in case. Ok?"

"Yea, sure...unni", a smirk appeared on my face. "Now go on...", I grabbed her shoulders and spun her around the other way so that she can go on and leave. 


My lips moved to her ear, "Ima need y'all to make some babies...go hard till the morning, don't stop.."

She quickly turned around. "Are you out of your mi--", I signaled her to keep quiet. No matter how much she denies it, her and Jeongyeon really should just get married. They act like 60yrs who've been married for 40 years. 

"Have fun... I'll be fine", I patted her shoulder and faced the other way to head to the bar.

As I was walking away, Nayeon called out to me.

"Y/N...thanks", she signaled me the heart sign.

I did the heart sign as well and continued my way to the bar.

Hope my baby Jihyo is ok...she's been tired ever since we were at the forest. Hopefully she's resting well now

I arrived at the bar and thankfully it wasn't so crowded.

"Evening Miss. What can I start you with?", the bartender asked me while he was cleaning some glasses.

"I'll have a Pinot Noir, please"

"Coming right up ma'am"

It was amazing to watch him move so fast. His movements were so graceful and delicate. Moving precisely, pouring accurately and presenting the drink with ease. Almost felt like I was watching a soap opera or something.

"You're Pinot Noir, ma'am", he set the glass in front of me and bowed.

"Thanks". I took a sip of the wine...and good lord, it is so smooth and intoxicating.

Is this going on their bill...because....I don't think I have the money to afford such wine like this

"Looks like you're enjoying that". The sudden voice made me choke on my drink. "W-woah there...", he chuckled.

"T-taeyong-oppa...", and so we meet again don't we.

"Sup again my cute little dongsaeng", oppa sat in the stool next to me and ordered a Sauvignon Blanc. 

My eyes glanced at him for second but I quickly averted them away from him. It's not that I hate or dislike him...It's just that he and Leo were a thing back when I was in high school, and they kinda just ended off the wrong note. I knew Taeyong-oppa before Leo, but for some reason I just feel much closer to Leo. Like I said, I don't actually dislike Taeyong...he's hmm...kind of a troublemaker I guess...

"Are you on break?", I asked while taking a sip of my wine.

"Yep. Well for the rest of the day actually. I'm free for the night if you want to do something", he glanced at me and our eyes met.

"Yea...that's not gonna happen"

"Aww don't be like that...", he pouted at me. "Of course, unless you have other plans...for example...that girl Jihyo. Maybe?"

Why the hell is he bringing up Jihyo into this conversation

I sipped my wine before speaking. "Who knows", no way was I going to let him win with his little shenanigans. 

"You know...", he paused.

"You know what?", I set my glass down and turned to face him. But why do I feel uneasy all of a sudden...

Taeyong-oppa took a deep breath. "Regarding Jihyo...I've heard some stuff. Of course there's alot of Parks in Korea, but not alot of Jihyos..."

"Could you elaborate?", my eyebrow raised at his ridiculously way at explaining things.

He took another deep breath. "What I'm tryna say is...do you know Jihyo? Like not just her name or her favorite fucking color...but like...do you really know Jihyo?"

Of course I don't really really know Jihyo...but if he's thinking what I'm thinking, which is about Jihyo's past, then that's already a topic I'm well aware of. She'll tell me about it when it's time...

"I suppose", I replied back. He gave me a side-eye, but started to laugh.

"Don't be so tense kiddo!", his hand ruffled my already messed up hair.

I clicked my tongue, "Don't mess up my trend!".

"Trend?", a confused look appeared on his face.

"That's right...my trend", I laughed maniacally. Maybe it's thanks to the wine...who knows. "Anyways...where did you hear such info about Jihyo...why do you care anyways?".

"Just from someone I know, and because your my little dongsang", he smirked at me showing those damn pearly white ass teeth.

"Who's this person though?"

"No one important..."

"Tell me", I leaned closer to him, staring directly into his eyes.

"No on-"

"Tell me". He might as well tell me because I really won't give up.

Taeyong-oppa sighed while brushing his hair back. "H-his name is...."

"Yo, Taeyong", a guy came up and wrapped his arm around Taeyong-oppa.


Lian: *choking me* Give me...the PUDDING!

Me: N-never...y-you..c-crazy w-woman!

Lian: Do you want to die!

Me: N-no...but I-i might in your b-boobs!

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