16: Deep Wine

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The morning breeze was cooling against my face.

I arrived at Leo's condo. Usually you'd have to speaker yourself in, but I knew the friendly guard and he let me in. "Thanks Yugyeom", I winked to him. He nodded back and smiled.

The 25th floor. Not the highest in the building, but high enough to probably freak Mika out. As I was riding up the elevator, I could easily see Ichon-Dong, which is located in the Han River. 

I reached the 25th floor and headed to Leo's condo, room 669. I rang the doorbell. Leo answered it. "About time", he said while leaning in the doorway. I laughed nervously, "Yea...I'm not the most punctual person alive". He smirked, then motioned me to come in. 

When I walked in, I immediately saw Mika. She was on the couch, legs crossed and sipping on white wine, I suppose. "This Fransola sauvignon blanc is divine", she said while swirling the glass. "Sauvignon..Blanc?", I questioned. "Just another term for white wine my child", Leo said while he was preparing something. Such a father...

"Come sit, (y/n). Papa has news to tell my children", he grinned.

"Ew", said Mika and I

"Don't be cringey like that. I really will up and leave", Mika said while shaking her head.

"Definitely...", I agreed.

"Ok ok, calm down. On a serious note, I invited y'all here for something important. So, just hear me out".

It feels serious...which isn't actually normal for Leo. Leo is usually laid back and could care less about people's opinions. But this felt serious, a first actually.

Leo took a deep breath, then began talking. "Listen. I've never told you two where I worked at, right?". We shook our heads. "Right, thought so", he stopped and was now crossing his legs. His way of saying shit is about to go down.

"I never intended to tell you this, but since I seem to be in a sticky situation, I would like your assistance". 

"Are you like a hitman? Because y'know... your looks can kill, and that'd be the perfect job for you", Mika joked. Honestly she might've just been nervous on this request by Leo. I can relate.

Leo laughed for a sec but quickly turned back to a serious face, "No, that's not it Mika".

He continued, "To put it simply. . .I work underground. Meaning I mostly work at nights, though not limited to do so. Business just booms more during the nighttime".

"Care to be more specific. . .On what you actually do?", I questioned.

He sighed, but complied. "M-my work includes affiliation with idols, not all, but ones that are tailored for that kind of work".

"This sounds a bit shady...but can I guess...Does it have to do with the sex industry?". Mika turned towards me, eyes wide, shocked at my comment.

"You don't mean...", Mika was maybe catching on.

Leo slowly nodded his head. "That's exactly it... prostitution, selling sex, the secrets of clubs and V.I.P lounges, all of it. My work revolves around that". He didn't sound to happy to say that. 

"What the hell, why in the fuck are you doing this kind of work!?", Mika started to shout. "Honestly Leo... No way in hell am I going to help you!", she was getting up from the couch.

"Wait... just wait. Please, let me finish", he stood up trying to get Mika to sit back down. Mika was frowning but complied to his request.

"I never wanted to do this kind of work, nor was I trying to. I was scouted. Scouted for my looks, promised benefits, and promised financial stability to help my madre back in Cuba. Look...They lured me into a trap..", his face was looking at the ground. I felt bad for him. Never in my life would I have guessed he was in so much pain, and in such dire need of help.

"Just leave then!", Mika shouted again. I wanted to say it as well, but in the back of my head, I knew it wasn't that easy for him to do so.

"I-I can't just up and leave. There are certain conditions to doing so... It could take months, or in my case, years. It's a contract. If broken without official permission...", he stopped to take a deep breath. "I'll be killed. They are no joke... they have connections that are tied illegally and legally".

This turned out more serious than I imagined. I took a deep gulp, "I...I'll help you, Leo". Mika again turned towards me. I looked at her and nodded my head. She didn't respond but kept looking at me. Though, thankfully, she nodded to Leo reassuring him that he had her assistance. Leo jumped up from his chair and came over to squeeze us into a hug. 

"You don't know how thankful I am for you two!"

"Of course, big bro", I replied.

He broke the hug and was now looking at us, "I promise to keep you safe. You can believe me on that". I believe his words, but the feeling of uncertainty still engulfed me. . .

"So.. what exactly are we assisting you with?", Mika asked.

Leo clapped his hands together, "Right. I actually need you two to meet me again today, but at night down in Myeong-Dong. Is that okay?".

"That's fine", I said. Mika thought about it for a second, "I suppose". Leo nodded. He walked over to his dining table and was searching through a suitcase. He came back over and handed us two envelopes. 

"Here. This is my appreciation. It's not a lot right now, and maybe even seems like a bribe. But this is genuinely my thanks for helping me. I truly want to get out of this horrifying business and live a peaceful life back home with mi madre y familia...", a small but weak smile spread across his face. Leo was telling the truth, he eyes said it all. If anything I'm good at, it's reading people's intentions by their eyes.

Mika and I looked at each other and nodded. We gave Leo another hug and Mika whispered to him, "We're gonna get you the fuck outta there. . .I swear by it"

"Thank you...", Leo replied.

"Now, gon head and get out my house", he laughed. "You'll need to rest for later tonight. Make sure to not eat too much, I'm looking at you, Mika". Mika stuck her tongue out.

"I'll call you two by 8pm...okay?"

We nodded. Leo opened the door for us. "Be safe on your way out", he called out to us. I gave him a thumbs up while the elevator doors were closing.

"Y'know... I have no idea what I've got myself into...but I really hope my pole dancing skills come in handy...", Mika suddenly blurted.

I looked at her, eyes squinted. "You sure worry about the wrong things", I said while shaking my head.

"Even in the darkest times, you've gotta think positive", she shrugged. I could agree with her on that. It's not the easiest thing in the world, but it definitely tests your capability to endure pain and misfortunes. Something I had to learn the hard way.


Lian: What're you cooking?

Me: Salad. Why?

Lian: Exactly why I asked... why're you cooking salad!?

Me: Don't you cook greens though?


Me: Thas so? Well, it'll still be good. Don trip bae.

Lian: I know why I've been getting headaches...

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