7: It needs to be said...

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Jihyo's POV

As I walked down the street, I feel somewhat nervous. How unusual.. but I shouldn't let it bother me. I get to the place to find (y/n) sitting at a table facing the street. She sees me and starts waving... Kck... my heart again... I'm not dying am I??! Too young...

"Hey Jihyo", she smiled at me warmly. We just met and she's already this comfortable...

"Nice seeing you again, cutie", I smirked. She gave a slight smile and chuckled.

"Soooo, what's the news?", she asked

Wait... why did I invite her for again? Ah... damn.. right. 

"Right. Well... me and the girls are having a party to celebrate our upcoming comeback. So... I thought I'd invite you...", I said shyly. She just looked at me... it's hard to read her.

"Mm... couldn't you just have texted me", she asked while leaning her head on her hand.

"Well-", I was cut off.

"I'm just kiddin", she laughed. Honestly... she's way different from last night...or so it seems. "Thank you for the invitation, I really appreciate it. I'd love to. When is it?"

"Er... tonight, actually", I said

"Uwah, you guys never stop partying, huh", she said while smirking at me. Really... this is a totally different vibe. Was she drunk last night... or is she drunk now... aish... Not that I hate it... it's just confusing.


Kang (y/n)'s POV

I must admit... I'm feeling a bit braver than yesterday. Not that there is anything to be brave for... but alright.

"I'll send you the address later then", she said while looking intently at me. She's got some dark, but big and sparkly eyes. Can see them much better during the day...

I nodded, and we started to eat.

As we finished eating, she added, "If you want, you can invite those friends of yours", she laughed slightly. "Oh.. those dorks? Eh... maybe haha", I joked.

We headed out the door after paying. "Well... I hope to see you there (y/n)", she said softly.

"Mmm, i'll be sure to be there, boss lady", I teased.

"Boss...lady?", she pouted. I laughed and waved bye to her. 

What Leo oppa told me still doesn't add up... and as to why it has to concern me? If she likes Yoongi... then so be it? No need to intervene in people's affairs...My life is peaceful and I'm fine with it that way.

Or so I thought.


8:46pm. Another late night party... my sleep schedule is quite fucked up already..

"UWAH!", "UWAHHH!", "UWAHHHH!", Nico kept being dramatic. "Are you gonna keep saying that all the way to the door?", Mika asked not amused. Their petty arguing is also my source of vitality... in a strange, yet loving sense.

We made it to their dorm. One hell of a maze and walk to get here. Felt like I was at disneyland trying to find me mum.

I rang the doorbell. Sana opened the door.

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