30: Oppa?

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"When you're in love, time seems to go fast. Therefore, you must cherish and love like you've never loved before. We will never get those days back. Ever"- Unknown

The elevator doors dinged on the 30th floor. As soon as the doors slowly opened, there she was. 

"Took you long enough", she smiled.

"Aww, you missed me?", I cooed before bringing her in for a hug. She smelled nice...such a soft scent.

"How long are we going to stand and hug?", she muffled against my chest.

"Ah...", I released her from the hug. "My bad", I laughed.

She playfully rolled her eyes. "Now c'mon. I'm hungry", she held my hand as we made our way to our room.

As she lead me through the hallway, I couldn't help myself from being mesmerized. Even though we've been with eachother for awhile...something feels different. It's hard to explain, but I swear I'm head over heels for her. Honestly it feels like an overdose of sugar from candy. How sweet...

 Jihyo unlocked the door to our room and we went in.

"Order two Korean BBQ Samplers...please", I closed the door behind us.

She turned around and smirked at me. 

"Of course, baby", she flipped her hair and headed to the phone to order the food.

Aish...I'm really trying to keep myself together.

While she was talking on the phone, I sneaked behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. 

That startled her. It was my intention to do so.

"Mmm...I can't wait to eat", I blew into her ear. Jihyo's body tensed up under my touch. Oh how I love teasing her.

"Yes...that's correct. Two Korean BBQ Samplers and two co--", it was hard waiting for her to finish talking, so I deliberately decided to get a light taste of her neck.

"(y/n)...s-stop...I'm on the phon-Mmm", my tongue was playing on her neck.

'Ma'am? ', the lady on the phone is probably like what the fuck is going on.

"Y-yes...s-sorry...Two cokes with the Samplers please", Jihyo pinched my cheek which made me yelp in pain.

I clicked my tongue but didn't take my hands off her.

"Yes. Ok, thank you", she hung up. "Are you for real (y/n)?", her body swiveled in my grip and faced me.

"I'm sorry baby, I was just really hungry...for you and the food that's coming", my head touched hers. "Don be mad pweaseeee", I pouted.

Jihyo shook her head, "You're such a tease...".

"But I love you with all my heart", I lightly kissed her lips.

"W-what...I mean...w-why do you love me...", oh no don't turn the mood sad please...

I gently grabbed her chin so she was facing up at me. "There's alot of reasons on why I love you...so many to name that it could literally be my birthday, Black Friday, Easter, and Christmas wish list", I replied. A smile appeared on her face.

"That's not my question silly", her hand cupped my cheek. "Tell me honestly...at least one thing. And it better not be because of my curves!".

"Aww but I love your curves", she grabbed my nose and pulled it. "O-ok ok...", I surrendered and she released my poor little nose. Thankfully.

I took a deep breath and looked right in her eyes. "One thing? Well... I love the way you express yourself. You work hard, you're intelligent, and you're my inspiration...Whenever I'm with you, life feels so colorful and magical. Alot of times it feels like a dream, and I'm glad it's not. Because I would never want to wake up. Love like this is new to me...but never in my lifetime would I ever want to abandon you...The light of my life".

Whew I said alot but still feels like I left out hella...

"I swear there's al--", Jihyo pressed her lips against mines.

Is this a sign that what I said actually wooed her? Level Up 2

In this moment...her existence took my breath away. Then put it back, then took it out again, and then brought it back. Basically...god was telling me it wasn't my time to die just yet and to savor this heavenly moment.

Her lips pulled back from mines, allowing a slight smile to appear on her face.

"What did I do to deserve you..."

"Well that's what happens when an angel like myself falls from heaven. It hurt...but it was worth the pain, darling", I joked.

Far from an angel...but let a girl dream.

"Oh my gosh", Jihyo slapped my shoulder and we both laughed.

*ding dong* Lucky timing, my stomach is growling.

I quickly released my hands from Jihyo and rushed to the door.

"Hi, you ordered th--"

"Taeyong-oppa?", what is he doing here...?

"Uwahhh! Kang (y/n)? It's been a long time no see!!"

"Y-yeah...and what're you doing here?", I looked him up and down, confused as to why he was here and why he was bringing us room service.

"I work here silly!"


He nodded. "You didn't know my family owned this hotel and other resorts around here?". Taeyoung-oppa quickly flashed a smile and walked right past me. "Uwah you've got the nicer rooms of this hotel! When did you become a baller my dongsaeng!"

"I didn't know... and I'm no-"

"Who is this pretty young lady?", he saw Jihyo and headed towards her.

"Uh...I'm P-park Jihyo", she shyly replied.

"Park Jihyo... a beautiful name for a beautiful lady", he grabbed her hand and kissed it.

Oh hell naw.

"Taeyong-oppa! Oh my it was so good seeing you! And Gomawoyo for the food!", I quickly steered him away from Jihyo and to the door.

"Muo-ya?", he was out the door. "Why the rush? It's been a while since I've seen you...and that girl...wow", I grabbed the food out his hand and tried to close the door, but he stopped it with his foot.

"Ne, it was nice seeing you oppa...just a bit busy. U-uh I have a project to work on, that's my partner". It was good to see him, but now isn't the time.

"Project? On wha-"

"Goodbye oppa...", I gently moved his feet from the door and closed it.

"Haaaaa", I leaned my back against the door and sighed.

"That was funny", Jihyo chuckled.

I moved from the door and headed towards Jihyo.

"Yea...he's a persistent one", I said while scratching the back of my head.

She hummed. "Shall we eat now?"



Me: McDonalds is a scam!

Lian: Why?

Me: When I went to get icecream in the summer, they kept saying their machine was broke! But now it's winter and somehow it's freakin workin!

Lian: *shrugs*

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