43: Goodnight

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Warning‼ 18+ Ahead

Joking... or am I? :)


Tokyo's nightlife amazed the girls as they walked the streets. Vacation is something they rarely had time for, making sure to enjoy every moment. And so they did.

"I know a good club just a few blocks from here!", Momo squealed while jumping cutely. They all got a laugh out of her little performance. "Do you mean club Freiza?", Sana asked as a slight smirk appeared on her face. The dancing mochine excitedly nodded her head. 

"Club Freiza?", Jeongyeon raised her eyebrows in confusion, and so did the rest of the girls.

Suddenly Momo and Sana gasped in shock. Well, they were more surprised that Mina didn't know about this club since she's Japanese as well. "Oh... we've definitely gotta go there now!", Momo did a twirl then started pop-locking. The girls looked at her with confused faces, but soon laughed. "If Momo-unnie recommends it, then we've gotta go", the cub joined alongside her unnie, pop-locking and milly rocking together. 

Club Freiza. The hottest club in Tokyo. Known for their epileptic strobe light parties, pole dancing men and women, and the best choices in music. It was the place to be if you wanted to be free of all your worries. And worries it was that the girls wanted to get rid of for the time being. Go hard or go home.

"Uwah!", the three maknaes had their jaws dropped as they looked at the club in awe. Unfortunately there was a long line. As expected.

"Damn there's a long ass line", Nayeon sighed as she tapped her foot against the ground. Momo laughed, causing the others to look at her in concern. "What's funny Momo?", Mina scrunched her face as to why the dancing machine was laughing to herself like a crazy woman. 

Momo took a deep breath trying to calm herself from laughing. "Just follow me guys", she waved her hand signaling them to follow as she made way to the front of the line. The girls exchanged glances to eachother, curious as to what Momo was up to.

As they approached the front of the line, they were greeted by a not so friendly looking guard. "You girls can't just jump the line!?", he was about to call for more guards until Momo suddenly touched him on the chest. "Did you forget about me already? I'm so sad", she made a pout while rubbing her hand down his chest. The guard looked down at the hand that was on him, then looked up to her face. 

He gasped. "M-momo!? Is that you!?", a smile so big appeared on this suddenly now cute buff guy. She smiled while nodding, "It is I! What's good David?". The two hugged eachother, making the people who were waiting in line to 'aww' at the sweet moment before their eyes. On the other hand, the TWICE girls had faces of disbelief. Momo had done it again.

"Gon head in there and snatch up some WIGS SIS!", they did a weird, but cute handshake. "Oh you already know bruh", Momo cheesed. She turned to face her friends, signaling them to follow her lead once again. They nodded, agreeing to her command. "It's been awhile David", Sana winked to the guard as she went past him, in which he winked back.

Right as they went through the door, the sudden loudness of music playing swarmed their ears. The club was so packed that at every move they made, their bodies would bump into someone. This excited them instantly. "Can I go on the poles!", Chaeyoung yelled over the loud music. Jihyo overheard her, slapping the cub for her ridiculous outburst. "No you idiot!", the cub pouted at her leader's rejection.

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