41: Pain

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"Welcome to Tokyo!", the three Japanese cheerfully yelled to their friends.

Dahyun let go of her luggage, making it fall to the ground. "It's...It's...BEAUTIFUL!", she dropped to her knees. Her dramatic drama show caused the strangers around her to give judging and curious looks. Everyone sighed at the tofu's sudden action. "Stand up Dahyun...", Nayeon grabbed onto her dongsaeng, pulling her up so she would stand up straight. 

Dubu sniffled as she looked up at her unnie, "But unnie...tis bootiful". Nayeon rolled her eyes playfully and patted the tofu's back. "Ne ne... we know", a small smile appeared on the older's face.

"Y'all good?", Momo asked with a scrunched face. Everyone chuckled at her sudden comment. 

"Enough with the drama guys", Sana looked down at her phone, "Let's check in at the hotel". They all nodded, making way to their hotel.

"So comfy!", Chaeyoung jumped onto the bed. The girls were grouped together in 3. 

Group 1: Chaeyoung, Mina, Dahyun

Group 2: Sana, Jihyo, Nayeon

Group 3: Jeongyeon, Momo, Tzuyu

"It is, but right now I'm more hungry than sleepy!", Dahyun rubbed her little stomach while frowning. Mina glanced at the tofu, laughing at how cute she was acting.

The girls all met up with eachother in the lobby.

"Let's go already. I could eat a horse right now", Momo groaned. 

• • •

"Welcome to Le Jardin", the waiter bowed, "Right this way ladies". The girls followed him as he guided them to their table that had a window view of the Tokyo nightlife.

"Uwahhh!", Chaeyoung put her face to the glass, leaving a forehead mark onto it. The nighttime view of Tokyo amazed the cub, as well as everyone else.

Nonchalantly, the waiter came around again to bring waters for them. "Call for me whenever you are ready to order", he bowed and excused himself to leave.

Momo licked her lips as the menu in front of her caused mini orgasms in her stomach. "Everything looks delicious", her eyes full of lust. Dahyun nodded, "It really does unnie!", the tofu squealed.

While everyone was looking through the menu, Jihyo was casually looking out the window. She sighed as things ran through her mind. Most of it being about Y/N. Even after the 3 years, Jihyo still thinks about Y/N everyday. Not a day goes by where she doesn't blame herself for Y/N's sudden disappearance. Though she doesn't know the reason why Y/N disappeared, she believes it's still her fault.

"Jihyo...", Sana's soft voice caught Jihyo's attention. She turned to face the squirrel, raising her eyebrow as to answer the call. "What will you be eating today?". Jihyo thought about it for a second. 

"I suppose just a regular pasta is fine", a small sigh releasing from her mouth. Sana couldn't help but to feel empathetic towards her friend. The squirrel knows that Jihyo is blaming herself for Y/N's disappearance. 

"Dinner is served", the waiter and 3 other waiters, all placed foods right before their eyes. The girls ooo'ed in excitement. Some were drooling, meaning Momo, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and surprisingly Jeongyeon. "Gamsahamnida!", they clicked their wine glasses together, ready to eat the food set before them.

Jihyo played around with her pasta, not feeling up to eating. Her pasta swirled around her fork. She looked at it, but soon placed her fork down. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom...I'll be back", she placed the napkin onto the table as she stood up.

"Do you need me to come with you?", Sana asked worriedly as she looked up to Jihyo. The leader shook her head with a soft smile on her face. "I'm fine...thank you though". Her heels clacked against the marble floor as she made way to the bathroom. The girls exchanged glances to eachother, worried about their leader.

Even after all these years...the pain still lingers, Jihyo thought as small tears formed in her eyes, but quickly wiped them away while opening the door to the bathroom. She headed straight to the sink, looking at herself through the mirror. Turning her face side to side, she soon saw that the mascara was running down her cheek. Not alot, but enough to make her dig into the purse to find the mascara pen.

She blinked her eyes a few times before applying the mascara to her lashes. 

Alright, this should be fine, Jihyo glanced at herself in the mirror, making sure the mascara was applied properly. A smile appeared on her face, though filled with a bit of sadness. You're okay Park Jihyo, you're okay, the girl proceeded to put the mascara pen back into the purse. But as she was doing so, the door opened.

Her eyes glanced at the doorway through the mirror. Wow, she's so pretty, Jihyo thought to herself, as the girl who just came through the door, went to the sink next to her. 

Their eyes met, causing the mysterious girl to smirk slightly. Jihyo couldn't keep her eyes off this girl. There was something about her. The way she walked, the way her hair flowed perfectly down her back. It was something so enticing to Jihyo. 

She suddenly turned to face Jihyo. "Excuse me", the voice of this girl surprised her.

"Y-yes?", Jihyo shyly uttered out.

A smile so warm appeared on the mysterious girl's face. "Do you have any mascara by chance?"



Lian: WHAT! *chokes me by the neck*

Me: W-wait... I-I'm J-jokin-- *passes out*


 Me: Gotcha BINCH!

Lian: *slaps, causing a concussion* Gotcha my ass!

Me: (Rest In Peace to myself) 

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