01. Pilot

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Chapter 1



Everything felt like a blur to me and nothing made sense anymore.

The pulse of my heart keeps beating faster and faster and my head is spinning from all the noise that was coming from the room. 

Do I know what I'm getting myself into from going into club's every night to smoke and drink?

I don't have a smoking or drinking problem It's just I like to do all those things just for the fun of it because I have nothing better to do with my life.

I didn't plan on being like this but it chose me. The world I live in just doesn't make sense.

You think I'm such a sarcastic and bubbly person on the outside but on the inside its a whole another story. Sleeping with everyone I see is helping me cope with myself without me really showing my true colors.

That's the way I am

I'm not boyfriend material to people. Love is just a word that people use to describe affection for another person. I just don't see the point of it. 

If I die one day without loving someone I'll be okay with that.

Different naked body's pass by me, giving me a wink so I would acknowledge them. I had a big meeting tomorrow at work so I couldn't bring any these Toys home with me and everyone knows that I wasn't here to make you my significant other.

I'm just here to use you then throw you away.

They know the drill but they do it anyway since they can't get enough of me.

Pulling out the Vapor between my lips, I exhale everything that was coming from the mouth and It felt like I was in another world. My world exactly.

"Can you stop hogging up the Vapor and pass it to me? You're going to smoke it all up." My friend Devin said next to me with grabby hands. He looked like he was dead by now by the way his breathing was hitching.

Shaking my head, I get up from my seat. "Man it's 1:00 in the morning you need to go home," I said while chuckling. 

His eyes were drowsy from the liquor he had drunk. "So? It doesn't stop me from partying up to the sun comes up!" He laughs, throwing his hands up in the air then sits up, rubbing his cheeks that was now tinted red. "Plus I'm trying to bring home one these fine ladies tonight." He smirked.

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