20.01 An Unexpected Guest

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Chapter 20 [Part 1]


A cold chill ran down my spine as I try to open my lids to the bright light. My head feels like it has been space out and it's like I forgot my own name and where I'm even at.

I don't even remember what happened last night to the point I was scared that I thought we did something reckless.

Finally, I open my eyes to the morning skies that I enjoy the sight of the clouds floating by. Keylan was asleep on my chest while I heard his snores softly coming from his parted lips.

I look over to Juliet and Christiana was still sleep. Juliet was laying on top of Christiana as they looked a reck.

Out of nowhere, we heard someone screaming and It made us scream from our slumber.

Where the noise was coming from was my daughter who was chasing after Zayn. Her laughter feels my ears as music to my ears. 

Keylan looks dead inside as he looks around his surroundings of how did he end up outside.

Juliet and Christiana were also doing the same and we all landed our eyes on the blunt that was on the table. "Oh, shit we smoke so much last night that we forgot what we did," Juliet said as she covers her face with her hands.

"Hey, we didn't even do anything last night so just relax." I try to calm everyone down from there panic faces.

Everyone relaxes and I did the same as I took out my phone which is almost dead from the yellow bar.

My Snapchat was open and I open my memories. My eyes went wide as I scroll through it and It was about 50 videos of it from last night.

Pressing one of them, a video play of me smoking and it landed on Keylan who was singing his head off. I heard Juliet and Christiana laughing in the background.

Juliet and Christiana came over to me as they watch one of the video's of me trying to be a stripper.

Christiana and Juliet were having a dance off which surprised me because they both were slaying each other.

"Oh my god look at me bitch!" Juliet said while laughing and we all laugh at ourselves from last night. Luckily my smart self didn't post it so the world couldn't see it.

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