24. Blow Up's Come To Tears

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Chapter 24


Slamming the door with my good arm instead of my bad one because my wrist still hurt like a bitch from Nate deadly grip.

I don't know how he even managed to break my wrist just like that. I still forgive him though because he didn't mean to hurt me.

Going towards the door, I put my hand on the handle and push it open having his security beep meaning someone enter his house. He for sure knows I have arrived and waiting for me.

Closing the door behind me slowly, I begin walking in the house feeling a wave of anger go through me as I think of why I was mad at him.

I walk faster in the house until I meet with light brown eyes staring back at mines.

Trevor was sitting down in one of his armchairs as he stares back at me with a hard cold gaze that made my throat go sore.

The room was quiet and it was only us having a staring contest until I won when Trevor's eyes flicker to the outside window.

"You know that this is the second time you did this? The first time I let you slide because I knew that reason the second time you were doing it just to be funny." He told me with no expression on his face that made my blood boil.

"How the fuck was I trying to be funny?" I scream having his eyes land on me.

Trevor gets up from his seat having him stroll over to me, never leaving his gaze on me.

"You love making me go crazy for you, huh? You love watching me chase after you like a lost dog that can't find his owner." He told me sternly as he grabs my chin gently where I was look up at him.

Moving his hand away from my face, he looks down on me in stunned. "I didn't do all of this for attention Trevor! You so fucking naive to even realize that I'm not right in the head!" I yelled at him then walk away having him hot on my trails meaning he wasn't done with me.

"What are you trying to say, Noah? That I don't give you enough attention," He asks behind me and I turn around to face him with a cold glare.

"I'm saying that I'm losing my mind from all the attention I have been receiving from the past 2 months, Trevor! I'm tired of being in spotlight knowing I can't do nothing about it! Privacy isn't even in the question anymore since I'm on the leash because of you. What about what I want? What about what I need to make me happy?"

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