26. Daddy's Girl

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Chapter 26


I woke up as a whole different person and its the best feeling. I open my eyes taking in the intense light that was being shined from the windows and I felt Noah light breathing on the side of my neck as I look down to see him sleeping peacefully.

Rubbing his back slowly, he breathes heavily as his face goes deeper in my neck from the sensation. Slowly, I trail my hand all the way down his ass then squeeze it.

"Trevor, what are you doing?" Noah rasp as he wakes up from his slumber.

"Want around 2?" I purred and he looks at me with sleepy eyes probably taking in what I said. 

He ignores my question by getting up from my bed. When he stood up he fell to the ground having him groaning.

Trying to hold in my laughter but it came out anyway. "Are you okay Baby?" I cackled out loud as I clutch my stomach for support.

"No my ass hurts really bad," He whined while still on the ground.

I smirk to myself that I did so much damage last night that is going to have him limping today.

Getting up from my bed, I walk over to him and help him up from the ground. "Couldn't take it Baby Boy?" I ask him and he glared at me.

"Apparently not since you got me over here limping," He scuffs as he pushes me out the way, going towards the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" I eyed him as he started to grab towels from my closet. Noah turns to me with duh expression.

"I'm taking a shower," He told me while walking into the bathroom and I follow behind him.

"Can I join?" I wrapped my arms over his chest, kissing his neck that was cover with love bites. Noah was in trance for a second then snapped back into reality.

"So you can pound into me so I can be on life alert? Hell no,"

"Come on we are saving water," I told him and he turns around with wide mouth from what I said. 

"Sure the multi-billionaire man is worried about saving money." He claps his hands in amazed then walks over to the shower. 

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