14. The Best Of Me

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Chapter 14


I hate myself that I reacted to what Trevor did to me last night. I was in the heat of the moment where I couldn't think straight. Even if I was denying all the things he told me. 

My brain was telling me that he was just filling you up but my body was telling me that I wanted him to do the things he was whispering in my ear about.

Look at me turning into a kink addict that can't control his hormones. I haven't had any sexual altercations with anyone since I slept with Aliyah. Yes, Elle's mom name is Aliyah.

She wanted to name Elle after her but I didn't let her because she wasn't going to stick around in her life. Why should I let her name my child that I was going to raise on my own?

Aliyah parents wanted to put her up for adoption because they didn't trust me to know how to take care of a newborn.

Right after graduation I and Christiana move out of our parent's house and got our own apartment with the money our parents had saved up for college.

Only one of us could go to college since I had a scholarship and Christiana had one also but decided to step back to take care of Elle.

Christiana offered to fall back because she knew how important it was to me to make sure that I wanted a better life for us. Knowing we are living with a billionaire and I'm getting paid to be in a fake relationship with Trevor.

I feel sick to my stomach to even take his filthy money just because I was scared of living by myself with my girls where people knew me across the world.

Why can't I take the image of him out of my head? I did have a boner when he left me a panting mess last night.

I'm not telling myself that I have feelings for him because it isn't true. I told myself that I wasn't going to fall for him because we both are doing a favor for his father.

Like he said before he doesn't believe in love.

Looking at the wall that I have been staring at for the past 30 minutes since Trevor is at a meeting. Why would he drag me here and he knew I'm going to be bored out of my mind?

Getting up from the couch, I walked over to his desk and saw paper's scatter everywhere. Me being an uneducated person don't know what it means.

Going over to the door, I open it and it was two buff security blocking the door. "Excuse me!" I said trying to get there attention. One of the security turns around that I had to look up to speak to him.

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