18. Bachelor Party In Bahamas

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Chapter 18


"Promise me, Princess that you will call me exactly when you land. I'm not joking I'll fly out there myself and shut this shit down." Xaiver said to Keylan while holding him like they were never going to see each other again.

This has been going on for the past 10 minutes and by the looks on everybody faces, they were getting annoyed, expect his mom who looks star struck by the couple.

The fact that they are going to be gone for 3 days. "I promise Xaiver and I'll think about you while I'm there." He assured him while kissing him on the lips. 

Trevor leans over so he would know that he will miss me also. Come on people we are seeing each other in 3 days!

Trevor turns to me so I was looking at him. "So you going to be screwing other people while you are out there," I ask him while giving him a serious face. He chuckles then grabs me so he was hugging me tightly.

"I should be saying that to you since a lot of men are going to be staring at you. Do I have to fly out there so I can do some things to show them that you are mine." He whispers in my ear that causes my breath to hitch.

"Just know if you disobey me you won't last a week when I'm done with you."

He starts to go lower where he slaps my ass. Luckily I wasn't facing anyone so they could see this.

Pulling him closer I lean over to whisper in his ear. "I'll like to see you try because I like those type of men." I pulled away having his eyes darken.

"I swear Noah-" He was cut off by Christiana calling my name.

I stepped on my tippy toes so I can kiss him then Elle ran towards him and hug his legs. Trevor picks up my daughter then kiss her forehead. I almost cried at that sight.

"Promise me you will be good for me?" He said to her and she nods then she kisses his cheek.

He hands me Elle and I put her on my chest. I could tell in his eyes that he didn't want to let us go and I feel the same about him.

Walking away from him, we filed on to the private jet where I took in my surroundings.

Juilet and Christiana already acting like they are drunk by them screaming and chasing after each other.

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