27. Promises

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Chapter 27


"Why isn't Trevor picking up his damn phone?!" A panic wave comes over me as I try to get in contact with the person that has my child under his protection.

I swear if something happens to my daughter I'm going to destroy him with my bare hands even if I got this stupid cast on.

We just left from the doctor's office and he told me that my wrist was indeed broken from the X-ray pictures I saw. It was going to take several weeks for it to heal.

Is it even possible for someone to break your wrist by hand? I should of ask him while I was there but I was to busy having all these bad thoughts of what Trevor could do to hurt my baby.

Christiana sense that I was overwhelmed so she starts to rub my back making small patterns. "Bubba I'm sure they are okay. His phone probably went dead and if something major did happen he would have called you." She told me with a sympathetic smile.

Looking at her with fear in my eyes, I try to sink in her words the best way I could. I wish I could believe her but I need to physically see Elle so I can know that she was okay.

"I know it's just I'm so overwhelmed that Trevor isnt answering his phone. Anything could happen knowing he use to be scared of children. What if he is one of those children killers!?"

"Noah you're letting your father imagination go wild right now. Trevor loves Elle as his own and I can even see it in his eyes even he doesn't see it or not. He would never let anything happen to her knowing how crazy you are." Christiana says while giving me serious face meaning that she knew that she was right.

I slouch in my seat while sighing deeply. I knew she was right and Trevor knows how crazy I am when it comes to my child.

If something did happen all hell is going to break loose and I'm going to jail for murder.

"Where is Victor taking you tonight?" I ask her, trying to change the subject so I can get these bad thoughts out of my head.

Christiana blushes as she looks out the window instead of me. "I don't know really he told me that it was going to be a night that I will never forget." She told me dreamily as she gazes out the window.

A glint of excitement going through her body as she talks about the date she is going on tonight.

"He might take you to the park so he can play on the playground." I joked and Christiana turns her attention back to me, hitting me on the arm from the joke I made.

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