29. Seeing You Again?

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Chapter 29


4 Weeks Later

"Trevor have you seen my necklace?!" I shouted from the dressing room as I roam through my jewelry box.

It's the necklace that Trevor gave me a couple of months ago when we made it official. I rarely wear it because I don't want to walk around with an expensive item around my neck. Especially in New York where anyone can mob you to get there hands on it.

"Did you look in top drawer on the right?" Trevor calls from the bathroom and I rolled my eyes. I have already checked there and it's not there.

"Yes, and it's not there!" I yell back and I heard footsteps coming in the room. Trevor had on his formal attire on as his raven black hair was covering his brown eyes.

Those piercings that somehow became more of my favorite feature on his body but of course it's not before his-

"Are you sure? I saw it the other day." He informed as he started to go through the drawers than towards the other drawer he instructed me to go to.

As he told me, he pulls out the gleamy object.

He raises a brow as he started to swing my necklace in his fingers. "You sure you didn't check all the way?" He smirks as he shook his head.

I try to retrieve my possession but Trevor spins me around so I was staring at the mirror.

He starts to trail his fingers on the side of my neck as goosebumps start to form on my body. I eye him in the mirror as his eyes were now darker.

He tilts my head to the side where he places light kisses on my neck that causes me to shudder, keeping in a noise that I desperately want to release.

"Look at my Baby Boy want attention from his Daddy," He mummers in my neck as he places a hand on my waist but then stops when he places my necklace around my neck.

Trevor turns me around where I was looking up at him. "Your such a tease," I whine at him and he chuckles while tightening his grip on my waist.

"You want me to finish what I have started? You know if we do we might not make it to Keylan's and Xaiver welcome home party." He told me with a glint of seductively in his voice.

Knowing he was right, I pull away from his grip then continue to get ready. I didn't want to miss it because Keylan came back from his Honeymoon in Japan and we haven't talked since he left.

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