10. Easy Days

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Chapter 10


The doorbell ringed and I groan as I went out of my room to open it. Going to opening it Trevor already beat me to it so I turn back around to go back upstairs.

"Noah!" Trevor shouted my name and I turn back around to the front where the white hair boy was standing there with Juliet.

Juliet pushes him out the way with force having Keylan spoke to Trevor, thanking him for letting him into his home.

"Noah!" They both said while hugged me like we are old friends. I took in the hug so I could be nice.

"Wow, you not going to greet me? And I let you people in my house." Trevor grumbles before closing the door and walking away.

Juliet rolled her eyes then turn to me with a smile. "Ugh, I can't believe you have to live with him. Is it like hell?"

Keylan hits her shoulder softly as he gave her a scowl but he wasn't good at it. "We just came to check up on you and wanted to see if you wanted to go out with us." He swings his body while giving me a small smile.

No wonder people go crazy over him. He is just too sugary and nice for me. How can someone be like that?


"Elle give me back my phone!" I heard Christiana shouted as she chases Elle around the room. Elle giggles while running towards me and I picked her up from my angry twin.

"Get your daughter! I was looking at KJ Apa photos on Instagram." She whines as she took her phone from Elle. 

Her eyes start to tear up and my heart broke. I pulled out my phone and gave it to her while glaring at Christiana.

"Kj is fine as fuck!" Juliet swoon and Keylan hit her shoulder.

"You have a boyfriend and it's my brother." He reminds her with his mouth agape.

"Your brother will always be my number one baby daddy." She said causing my sister to laugh.

Keylan cheeks started to burn in embarrassment. "Aw babe don't get embarrassed you be calling Xaiver Daddy all the time you thought I don't b hearing you two.

"Why would you tell them that!"

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