07. White Hair Princess

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Chapter 7


Trevor and his friends were having a conversation amongst each other while I just sat there and stare into space.

I don't why he brought me here in the first place. Clearly, the girl whose name is Juliet have anger issues and she yells at people who are trying to correct her.

The man doesn't know how to shut up by comparing me to his Princess.

I didn't have the balls to stand up to Juliet since she looks like she can cut someone in 2.5 seconds flat and that's scary for someone her size.

What I sat here and thought for a long time is that Xaiver is the son of Zachery Anderson who also owns a billionaire CEO company.

I knew he looked familiar, it just takes me a long time to figure who people are by staring at them.

Isn't he engaged to someone?

I turn to the group that looks like they were in a heated conversation. "Are we still going to Puerto Rico for your bachelor party?" Trevor asks in excitement. 

"No, he is not because I'm not going to sit here and hear Keylan whine about how he wishes he was with Xaiver. It's bad enough I hear it on a daily bases." Juliet sighs while looking through a binder.

"So? We are going to be gone for two days and It's going to be his last nights of being not fully owned." Trevor rolls his eyes then took a glass between his lips. I'm guessing it some kind of liquor.

I haven't had any alcohol since that accident that caused Elle's mom to get pregnant. It was like I couldn't look at alcohol the same ever since and I hope that it doesn't influence me since I'm going to be staying with him. 

No saying what other stuff this man does.

"Why is your boyfriend so quiet?" Xaiver narrows his eyes at me. I swear if he says one more thing slick I'm jumping over his table and beating his ass.

"I'm not his boyfriend so you can get that out of your fucking skull," I hiss at him and Trevor started to laugh at what I said.

I don't have to lie to his friends and say that we are together. His Dad said only the media and the outside world.

"Oh sorry about him he's just upset, but when we get home I'm going to teach him some discipline." He said cheekily at me and I flip him off.

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