31. Painful Regrets

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Chapter 31


I didn't know that the woman who walked out of my daughter's life was looking back at me. I could slightly see another version of Elle.

Everything in me wanted to scream at the top my lungs wanting to know why she was here.

Aliyah still looks the same even if it has been 4 years. The journey she went through her pregnancy with Elle was the most stressful thing in my life.

I had to constantly make sure she was being safety with my child while she wanted to go out and party as if her unborn child wasn't important.

Constantly of her crying wanting the pregnancy to be over with. Phone calls in the middle of the night when she thought that she was going into labor and it was just Elle kicking.

I remember going to ultrasound to see Elle for the first time. I had cried knowing I created this human being that I love with all my heart. I suggested of knowing the gender right away instead Aliyah wanted to know when she gave birth.

"Hello Noah," Her voice spoke to me as I stare at her with mix emotions in me. I didn't know how to react to the situation.

"Why are you here?" I sternly told her and a voice made me turn towards her parents who don't like me with every fiber in their body.

They thought that I basically rape Aliyah knowing we both were drunk. Even if I don't remember having sex with her. She did tell me that I was the only person she had sex at the time and I believe her.

"Please don't talk to my daughter like that knowing you have no room to talk," Aliyah mom spoke to me with a deadly tone. I try to be collaborative with her parents but it seems like they see me as a threat.

"Noah please have a seat." Mr. Kingston instructed me with a firm expression on his face. Trevor places his hands on my shoulder where he guides me to sit in front of his father.

I don't know if I should be scared or not since he had a blank expression on his face.

"Noah the Miller's came to me because they think it's not safe for your daughter to be with you. Especially where you are very known and they think that its best for them to have full custody of Elle."

At that moment I felt like another part me died not knowing what to say. They were going to take away the only thing that matter most to me in my life.

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