02. First Sight?

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Chapter 2


Being in all my classes felt like a hell dungeon to me. When I'm away from Elle I feel like I'm missing something that could be remarkable.

As a parent, you always want to be there for every moment even if its something that doesn't matter.

When she grows up I'm going be the type of parent that tells the stuff she did when she was little over and over again.

Mr. Griffin was lecturing on about our assignment that was part of our semester grade. It was almost time to go and I couldn't be more ecstatic.

I really don't have friends up here even though it's college and you don't need friends. My sister is my best friend.

The bell rings and Mr. Griffren dismisses us for the day. I couldn't be happier because it's Thursday and I don't have classes on Fridays.

Packing up my things, I sling my backpack over my shoulder and blended in with the students until my professor called after me. 

Why does he want to mess with me? I was this close to walking to freedom.

Turning around to face to him, he motions me to sit in an empty seat in front of his desk. I sit down in the seat and he walks around his desk, leaning on the edge of the desk with an emotionless face.

Why is he looking at me like I just cheated off a test?

The room was quiet and all the sound was coming from outside the of the classroom. "You're a very bright student Noah and you are passing my class, but being late is unacceptable." He finally spoke. 

If he knew what I go through every day then he would understand why I show up to class 3 minutes late. It's not even that deep but he makes it seem like I walk in the class an hour late.

"Sorry I'll try to show up on time," I gave him a pleasant smile. 

Mr. Griffen is a great looking man. A little old for me but still looked good for his age. Ew, that was kinda gross if you think about it.

"I really care about my students and if you have anything you want to talk about my door is always open." He said giving me a couraging smile. 

He really thought that I was going to express all my problems to him. I don't like going around telling people about my background and I hate when people feel sympathy for me.

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