19. Bachelor Party In Puerto Rico

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Chapter 19


"99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer. Take one down and pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall." Victor sings as we were in the car to our location.

I don't know If I want to cut his vocal cord or jump out this car to end his singing. He has been obnoxious ever since we got here and its starting to drive me crazy.

Don't get me started when he couldn't stop talking for shit. It's like he couldn't go an hour without saying anything.

Every little thing that caught his eye he would comment it about it. I wonder why his brother would abuse him all the time and it's obvious that he was getting aggravating by this also.

"98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer. Take one down and pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall." He sings that made me lose my marbles.

Grabbing his shirt in a death grip, I pull him closer so that he knew that I wasn't having his shit. "You sing it one more time I'm going to hit you in your throat."

This joker was giving me a lazy smile as if what I said tickle his funny bone. "Someone isn't a happy camper. Come on be happy that we are in paradise. You guys are sitting here quiet like its a fucking funeral." He pries my hands from my grip then scoots over to Xaiver who was looking down at his phone.

"Aint that right brother in law?" He asks him and Xaiver looks up at him with no expression on his face.

He has been heartsick from being distant with Keylan and it's kinda annoying since we are out here trying to live up and he's moping around.

"Please don't talk to me and you already cause enough trouble." He shoos him away from him and I started to laugh.

Victor pouted at us then moved to look out the window where the beautiful sight was at. 

Noah would enjoy this but I knew the Bahamas was a beautiful place also from the pictures he is sending me.

When we arrived at our location the car stops at a halt and we all get out while taking in our surroundings.

Victor was the first one to fully get out and run towards the door to the beach house we were staying in. The palm trees were rocking back an forth from the breeze and it was a beach in eyesight.

Walking in the house I wasn't surprised by the inside because it was what I expected. When you grew up this kind of lifestyle you get used to things like this. 

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