25. Hurt Me Sweetly

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Chapter 25


Something in me snapped as I saw that bruised on his wrist. Anger filled my vision and I didn't know what I was doing instead I was hurting him.

I would never hurt him to all my recently relationships that caused some physical altercations but those people didn't matter.

Why won't he tell me who did this to him? He's getting assaulted and I'm not going to sit here and let whoever done this breath until I find them.

I do understand in his point of view from all the attention he is receiving. If that's what makes him sad then I would change that but I can't because that's how it's always been.

That's how it's been when your very known and we have to accept it.

He knew that I would react this way when he went missing. It's like he was doing it for attention.

It's not like Noah will do something like this unless he had a reason but that reason was so he could be funny.

A small knock was on my door having me turn to my door. Telling them to come in, Noah walks in with a hesitated face as if he thinks I'm going to hurt him again.

He walks over to me slowly and I just stare at him as he stands by my bed with his broken wrist clutch to his chest. My body tense as I stare at his wrist that made my jaw clench. 

"Can we talk Trevor?" I heard my Baby Boy voice say that made me flicker my eyes to his sad blue eyes. My chest tightened as he stared at me with those eyes that I couldn't get enough of.

Motioning for him to come here, he slowly gets in my bed and I pull him on my lap where he blushes. It's rare when he does that.

"I'm sorry that I yell at you earlier. You didn't deserve it and I was thinking about myself instead of what you were feeling. I let someone fill all this stuff in my head to the point he was counseling our relationship."

"Who is this person you speak of? Did he do that to your wrist?" I ask and his eyes widen as he sat there thinking for a long time. I could tell on his face that the same person he speaking on did this to him.

"I don't want to say his name because you might go find him and hurt him." He told me and I grinned up at him that he read my mind.

"I love it how we read each other mines. That's fucking couple goals!" I said in a feminine voice that made my alter ego is come out.

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