15. Anything For Him

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Chapter 15


My head was already a pounding mess from this stupid ass meeting I just left out of. I need something to lose all this stress I'm having right now.

Drinking wasn't going to solve it like it does all the time. I'm proud of myself that I haven't smoke either even if I have never had a problem with that.

Maybe because I wasn't a big addict like I am with drinking. It's like it chose me for this lifestyle and it's ruining my life.

I walked out of the conference room with Jance following behind me, telling me about some information that I didn't care for.

 Noah probably mad at me for leaving him for 2 hours and I know how he gets.

God damn, I love it when he's mad at me. It's just turns me on for some reason. I can't take him seriously when he argues with me about something without thinking dirty thoughts.

One of my security Daniel walked up to me with a worried expression on his face. He couldn't look me in the eye and I hate it when people don't look me in the eye.

"Sir we have a problem," He said and I raise a brow in confusion then proceeded him to continue. "We can't find Noah and we check everywhere."

It took me a minute to take in what he was telling me.

I grabbed his collar then slammed him to a wall with anger. "What the fuck do you mean you can't find him?! How did he get out when I told your dumbasses to not let him out under no circumstances!"

I was tight on my hold that he couldn't breathe properly. Good, he let Noah go and he could be anywhere without security. Who knows something could of happen to him!

"Why did you let him out in the first place? I swear to God if something bad happens to him under your protection just know you won't make it out alive when I'm done with you." I growled and his eyes went wide in horror.

"H-he told me that he was going to the bathroom." He said and I slam against then punch him in the gut.

"Why would you believe him?! You don't fucking listen and I want every inch of this building search and no one is fucking leaving until we find him!" I shouted having everyone scatter in every direction.

Walking back to my office, I sat down in my chair then curse under my breath. Why would he leave? Maybe he just went somewhere to clear his head.

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