13. Desire Likes And Dislikes

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Chapter 13


I'm a fucked up person who drinks to cope with there frustration. I drink so much that I gave myself alcohol poison.

Someone who doesn't care for the world and it's glad to end it all for every chance he can get. Why do I think so much of the sort?

Because I feel like the devil is taking over my body. 

I haven't really drink a lot or did anything because Noah has been with me most of the time. It's like he was some sort of Garden Angel that stops me from doing anything.

I'm glad that we didn't kiss because I was going to hurt him at the end of the day.

My other half is going to fuck it up so I have to stay away from him before I might do something that I might regret. Take an example for my other ex's who I fucked my relationship with.

It's like I don't want to commit with anyone unless its sex-wise.

Noah sense that I'm not the type of person to be with and I hope he takes it as an excuse to not fall for me. He doesn't deserve to be hurt like the rest of my ex's.

Even if I couldn't get the image of his eyes and the way he smiles when I made him laughed out of my head.

His curly brunette hair was soft between my fingertips when I was playing with them. His slim body was perfect on my body when I was holding him. 

I'm not saying I have feelings for him but they are forming and it's scaring the hell out of me.

We were in my office discussing plans for Xavier's bachelorette party in Puerto Rico. "I can't wait to get out of New York and be where the Puerto Rican girls at. Maybe I can get lucky and get me one."  Victor said rubbing his hands together.

"That's if your invited" Ashor said bluntly without any emotions on his face.

"Damn I know you guys don't like me and all but don't be this shallow to not invite me to my own brother in law bachelorette party." Victor grumbles then sat down with his fist on his cheeks.

He's the baby one of the both

The glass of whiskey was sitting there in front of me. Someone is telling me that I need it but another person is telling me that it's not going to solve my problems.

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