11. Flashback From The Past

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Chapter 11


Carrying Elle on my hip towards the bathroom, I walked inside the bathroom where I was preparing her for a bath.

She enjoys this type of stuff and it was always easy for me. When I was little I use to hate taking baths but my sister loved them.

Filling the bathtub with her right temperature, I started to fill her bathtub with her favorite bath toys so she can be occupied then I filled her bath with bubbles since she wouldn't get in unless it's filled with bubbles.

When you're a father you have to pay attention to all there likes and dislikes so you can avoid a tantrum which she rarely does.

She's a happy child all the time and she can make a person mood change by her presence.

I wish she could have both parents so she can experience what's it like to have a Mommy and a Daddy. Her mom didn't want her which is going to hurt her in the future when I talk to her.

I'll make sure that she doesn't feel unwanted so she will understand that having a mom doesn't make a family complete.

When the bathtub was filled with the right amount of water, I started to take off her clothes and putting her in the tub where she instantly started splashing everywhere.

 Smiling at the sight, I started to put the baby body wash on the towel then rubbed her back.

"Dada sing," Elle gave me a pleading look which I couldn't say no to. I rarely can sing but anything for my baby girl.

I started to sing one of her favorites Lullaby I use to sing to her when she would wake up crying in the middle of the night.

She rocks back in forth in the tub making a wave crash from her movements. I pulled one of her arms out then washed her arms while doing the same with her other arm.

I remember when I found out I was having her and my life change.


Christiana came barging in my room with two outfits in her hands. Just because I came out as bisexual doesn't mean I want to debate about her outfits that looked similar to each other. "Christiana I don't want to choose from your outfits they both look alike!" I said to her and she looks at the outfits.

"No, they don't Noah this one is coral blue and this one is sky blue. They are two different outfits." She said and I rolled my eyes then walked over to her, examining the outfits.

I pointed to the sky blue outfit and she looks at the one that I chose in disgust. "Your right this one is so ugly I don't know what I was thinking about this! Thanks, Noah!" She runs out of my room.

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