04. No Home Is Better Like Mines

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Chapter 4


Glancing myself in the mirror at my features, I notice that I didn't look the same back when I was in high school.

I was slimmer and I have gotten paler ever since Elle was born. I tugged my brunette hair to the roots then sigh.

I'm not saying that Elle is the reason why I turned out like this. She would never be a mistake or unwanted to me.

Things happen for a reason and we have to accept them for a blessing, not a curse. I never knew that I would be a Teen Dad at a young age.

Some say having a child is going to take up all your energy and all your time, but it's not.

Spending time with your child is the time that you need. For me, that's all I could ever ask for.

I looked at myself in the mirror for a while longer then left the bathroom, going into the living room where my sister was doing Elle's hair while watching TV.

"Noah you know that it's going to be chilly outside so I packed Elle an extra blanket just in case," Christiana told me while putting Elle's hair in a bun.

I love it how she is a step ahead of me. I would have said the same thing to make sure she wasn't cold. 

Getting up from my seat, I went into the kitchen to pack up any snacks for Elle's doctor appointment. I'm just trying to make sure she is occupied.

I put some grapes in a container and some crackers in a ziplock bag, putting them in her bag.

I heard Christiana scream and I drop everything I had in my hand then ran into the living room to see what was going on. I looked at Christiana and she was looking at the TV.

Turning my head to the screen my face went pale. A video was playing of me when I was being picked up by that lunatic.

It was a clear showing of my face and no doubt about it that I couldn't lie and say it wasn't me.

Trevor Kingston has been spotted yesterday afternoon at Jennifers Cafe with someone. The 2 was talking until they both got into a heated argument. The video we showed was when Trevor pick the boy and place him the car.

We don't know full details about these two but we will have you update in the future.

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