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11 years later

I look up at the crystal blue skies as I take in the beautiful nature that was surrounding me. I then look down at the flowers that were being grown in my backyard.

It was nice to move out of New York and into California, where I fell in love with the beautiful family home that me and Trevor built.

It was perfect where our 3 kids were going to grow up in. Elle is now 14 where she is discovering more things about herself and I'm going to be there every step of the way. Ace who is 4 and we adopted him at the age of 2. I fell in love with him the first time I laid eyes on him.

He just had a bubbly and outgoing personality and he reminded me of Elle when he was her age. Our last baby is Ariel, who is 2 and we recently got her from a family who didn't want her. It did take a long time for her to be fully ours, but it was worth it at the end.

Now we have a house full of chaos every day and I wouldn't have it any other way. "Sammy come here," I heard Ace say as he runs after our Alaskan Malamute.

Ace falls to the ground but then gets up giggling.

Shaking my head from my son, I turn my attention back to the garden. I then look down at the ring that was on my finger that was gleaming.

Trevor and I have been married for 7 years since he propose when I was 24. Unlike him, he waited 4 years.

"Daddy Auntie Chrissy is here!" Elle called me and I walk out of the garden, going towards Ace. I pick him up, putting him on my hip then went inside.

When I came into the house Christiana hugged me and a bunch of other people did also. When I pulled away, I eyed Keylan, Juliet and Adriana. I haven't seen them in a long time since I moved out here in Calfornia.

"Oh my god, we missed you in New York," Christiana whines as she places her hand on my cheek.

"I know Trevor had to run the Company in Calfornia and it was a big opportunity for him to finally take over since his Dad retired."

I gasp when I saw a little bump on Juliet. She places her hand on her stomach. "I can't wait for her to arrive because she literally cannot stop fighting with me." She whines as she wobbles over to the couch.

"Just another Juliet in the making. You know you are a hot-headed person." Keylan points out and Juliets flip him off.

I heard something break and I turn around to see my son and Keylan's son Zion broke a vase. They both looked at each other then ran away. I was too tired to run after them.

"Zion Sanders Anderson you get back here right now." Although Keylan was not having it. It seems like he grew out of that innocent stage. He yells a lot, but still that lovable person.

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