21. Wet Dreams

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Chapter 21


Aiming the gun at my next target, I run to the other side of the room so I won't get shot at. The beating of my chest goes sky high as I try not to give myself away. It was quiet almost to quiet for them to come find me. 

Peaking my head over the wooden box, I examining around my surroundings but it was too dark for me to see anything. 

I heard movements from the far corner of the room and I slowly got up from my hiding spot, going over to examine it.

I don't know If I was being paranoid or not but I heard someone run past by me. I aimed my gun so I can be prepared to shoot them.

Someone tackles to me to the ground than a gun was pointed to my chest.

"Got you mother fucker!" Victor shouts while giving me a joker smile. I kick my foot upward where it made contact with his gun and it flew across the room. 

I got up from the ground. "I'll say that I got you," I smirked while pointing my gun to his chest. I should just end it once and for all.

Before I could pull the trigger someone already shot me that made my vest glow red.

"Fuck!" I scream then turn to Xaiver who was grinning at me. This is what I get for messing with Victor.

"While you both were acting as if this was a real life and death situation, It was a perfect opportunity to get you,"  Xaiver explained that made me groan in annoyance.

Out of nowhere, his vest lights up blue that made his mouth go wide.

Ashor came out of the dark with his gun in his hands. "Ashor that's not fair?!" He whines that he got shot while he was bragging.

Ashor gave him a bored expression then shrugs without saying a word.

Walking over to Ashor, I high five him for making a sneak attack. The lights came on meaning the game was over of Laser Tag.

We took our equipment to the front desk where we checked in before we left.

We left the building where all of us were arguing about how everyone was cheating in the game.

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