03. Daddy Issues

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Chapter 3


The clock ticked on the wall as the meeting is still going on for the past hour.

I wasn't really paying attention to no one because I really didn't care for no one, but my Dad want's me to be in here for moral support. 

I write down the information in my notepad as he discussed the plan on his powerpoint. Then I tuned out everyone when he started to get on my nerves.

I really need a drink bad because my patience is bad.

I could feel my Dad glare towards me and I look up to see him scowling at me to pay attention. 

Sighing, I turned back my attention back to the speaker. "What do you think about rebuilding Central Park where it's more safer for children?" The man asks, turning to me.

I could care less about the children because they are evil and we don't get along.

"Well although it's a great idea its no point of rebuilding a park when kids are going to get hurt just by falling to the ground. Do you want to make the grounds be more safety?" I said tilting my head slightly.

The man looked at me like I said the dumbest thing. 

Hey, I say whats come at the top of my head.

He clears his throat. "I mean yeah but that's going to happen regardless but I'm talking about a safer playground."  

It's just a playground and kid's don't care about all of that as long as they have fun. I fell off the playground and bump my head. Look at me I'm still alive. 

"Sure you can go with that but I'm telling you that it won't make a big difference. They can do a backflip off a slide and still have a great time. Nothing safe about a playground."

Before I could finish my debate with this dumb ass my father gets up from his seat. "I think we will save this for another meeting. Thank you for coming by Mr. Henderson." They both exchange handshakes.

Mr. Henderdick I mean Mr. Henderson exchange handshakes with each other, giving each other warm smiles.

I could tell from his grip that he doesn't like me. I'm mean who doesn't? I really don't care if you like me or not I'm just being me. 

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