30. The Day I Met You

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Chapter 30

4 Year's Earlier

Noah enjoys going to parties just because he could drink and smoke to remove all these stress he had been balling up inside of him. The pressure his parents giving him about him being a surgeon even though that's not Noah's dream.

He wants to explain to them that that's not what he wants to do after High School but it seems like every time he tries to tell them they always shut him down. He knew that his parents know that that's not something he wants to do but they didn't care.

His parents had everything planned out for there twins since they were born. They knew it was a miracle that they had twins so they could still have a dream of seeing their kids being just like them.

Noah stumbles a little in the big house that one of his friends Jacob is throwing his party. His parties are very big so he couldn't miss the opportunity by missing it.

The brunette hair boy eyes the room with a haze as he tries to find his twin that seems to disappear.

It gave Noah anxiety that his sister wasn't in his eye watch. Usually, she would be with one of her friends but she wasn't there when he passed by her group that looked like they didn't care that she disappeared.

Noah only had 3 cups to drink and he feels good for some people who just get wasted off of one cup which is so fucking convenient for normal teenagers.

What caught his attention was the brown hair boy that looks like he was searching for someone also.

Noah walks over to him with full speed as he felt his knuckles curl into a ball.

Noah instantly made contact with his jaw that made him fall to the ground from his blow. "Where is my sister you fucking bitch?!" He yells in fury as he gripped his shirt tightly.

The boy looks up at Noah lazily as he cracks a semi-grin. "Well I had her but one of your friends took her away from me before I could actually have fun with her." The boy that was laying on the ground was known for sleeping with people when they are drunk.

It's fucking sick to Noah that he hasn't been arrested but his Dad is a lawyer where he gets him out of trouble.

"I'll fucking kill you with my bare hands if you even lay a finger on my sister." Noah hiss at him as he threw another punch. Before he could throw another blow he was pulled off of him by strong arms wrapped around his body.

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