12. Smile For Me

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Chapter 12


Walking down these hallways with overcrowded people are starting to get on my nerves. Never knew someone like me would be important to people.

 Might as well take advantage of it and act like I'm Beyoncè or something.

Going inside my next class, I sat down in the front where my professor instructed me. Pulling out my phone, I started to laugh at a message Keylan sent me. We have been talking a lot recently and he is a good friend.

The bell ringed for the class to start and I put my phone back in my hoodie pocket. Students start to pass by me, greeting me like they do every day.

Getting out my binder for this class the door swings open having a boy come in breathless.

My professor walks over to the boy and they were having a conversation amongst each other until he pointed at me.

The boy nodded and walked towards me, sitting down at an empty desk next to me. He didn't say anything to me which I was grateful for.

I started to scribble in my notebook until the boy caught my attention. "You look familiar." He whispers low enough so our professor won't hear him.

I get that every day so it didn't bother me as it did. "I'm pretty sure you know Trevor Kingston?" I asked him and he looked at me like he doesn't know what I'm talking about.

"Never heard of him, am I suppose to know who he is?" He chuckles having me laughing with him. I like this guy even know I just meet him.

"You say I look familiar but don't know who he is? It doesn't bother me it's just your the first person that doesn't know him."

"Sorry I just moved here from Spain and he's not important out there like he is in the United States. You remind me of someone that looks exactly like you back home." He responded and I nodded that it made sense that he couldn't know who Trevor was.

"Mr. Lane, is it something so important that you have to talk to our new student?" My Professor glared at me for having a conversation while he is discussing something important.

"No sir," I said with bitter dripping from my mouth.

He gave me a quick death glare then turns back around to face his projector, discussing back to his class again.

The boy gave me an apologetic look and I gave an understanding smile so he doesn't feel bad for getting me in trouble.

About an hour later the finale bell ring for the end of the day and I started to pack up. I waited in my seat until my security come get me.

The boy looks at me in confusion. "Aren't you coming?" He asks, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

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