33. You Wanna Play?

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Chapter 33


I don't how long it has been since we last saw each other but I knew it has been days. I didn't know what I was thinking of leaving knowing I didn't want to but I was so irritated, sorrow and confused about everything that has happened.

Mix emotions come over me where I'm crying one minute then another minute I'm mad and another minute I'm blaming myself for everything. I shouldn't have told Trevor those things but It was true that he could have at least warn me about Nate.

I'm scared to even leave Juliet's house knowing that he could be anywhere. I haven't let Elle out of my sight either, scared that someone was going to take her away from me

I know I shouldn't be mopping instead of trying to figure out how to solve all these problems in my life.

Christiana is more scared now when I told her that someone is after me. She almost had a panic attack but Victor was there to calm her down, telling her that everything was okay and I'm safe here.

I don't understand how Aliyah and her parents just pop out of nowhere. Yes, I have been all over the media but Elle hasn't even been on them because I barely take Elle outside. So I don't understand how I'm not doing my job of protecting her when I did it when I first laid eyes on her.

Now 3 years later she wants to come and claim her as if she was there the whole time. I don't see her as her mother becuase she didn't want to have Elle in the first place.

Elle isnt a mistake in my eyes so she doesn't have to worry about that.

If Aliyah didn't get pregnant then I would still be able to see my parents, studying to be a surgeon knowing I don't want to be it and most importantly that I would have never met Trevor.

"Dada," I heard whimpers coming beside me and it was Elle on my chest as she was asleep. I'm a bad father for having Elle suffer from all of this. She doesn't deserve to feel this way.

I started to rub her back gently while trying to comfort her. "It's okay dada is here," I assured her and she shakes her head in my chest.

"Dada," She told me again but this time she started to cry softly.

Then it hit me she wasn't talking about me she was talking about Trevor. She hasn't seen Trevor in a couple of days and she misses him.

Taking a shaky breath, I felt my throat being close on me as I try to hold in the tears that desperately wanted to escape from my eyes.

I couldn't help it that I miss him also but I don't even think he could look at me again from all those things I said to him.

Wiping my wet cheeks that begin to fall, I pull her closer against my chest. "I'm sorry baby that I have failed you. I tried my best to make sure you come first and don't let anything happened to you but now your getting taking away from me." I sob silently while my body started to tremble rapidly.

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