His Smile could kill

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As soon as Class ended, Tadashi wanted to walk me home. We walked towards the train station and I could feel the cold air of the evening. "It's cold isn't it Elia." "Yeah it is." We quickly ran into the train and settled down in the nearest seat.  He smiled. I smiled back. I never knew someone this handsome existed. His brown eyes looked into mine as we talked about the project we had received in class.
It was my stop we both got off the train. "It's late for a girl like you to be walking out so late, let me walk you home."
"Don't worry I'll be fine walking home."
"No, it's dangerous, what if that murderer finds you."
"Hm..oh you mean the murderer of Case 45."
He nodded. "It's been going on around here a lot, I can't let a pretty girl like you walk alone."
I smiled and chuckled. "Don't worry I'll be fine." He insisted and grabbed my bag and ran ahead of me. "I said I'm walking you home."
"Fine." I ran after him and jumped trying to get the bag out of his hands. He held it higher, mocking me. "Give it back Tadashi!"
"No." He walked me home and finally gave me my bag. "I'll pick you up tomorrow okay~"
"Okay Tadashi." I noticed my mom peeking at us through the window. He did a quick handshake with me and watched me go inside my house. I closed the door behind me. I was excited for the next day.
???'s view:
That girl on the train was interesting. She had a cute smile. A cute voice, I wanted to tear the vocal cords out of her tiny throat. It would be so satisfying. Her eyes caught my attention. I wanted to have her eyes looking only at me.
I decided to follow her home, to make it clear she.is.mine.

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