Suhan's promise

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(Before Suhan goes to the police station.)
Tadashi walked in.
Suhan and I, under the blankets keeping the cold out.
"So this is how it is Elia." He mocked as he yanked me out of the bed.
"It's not what you think." I cried as he threw me at the cold floor.
"It not what I think. Is that so? Then prove it to me."
Suhan stood up, his eyes shaking in fear.
" she was sleeping. I felt cold and used the blanket." He said.
Trying to convince Tadashi.
I pushed myself up from the floor, feeling their pair of eyes watching me.
"I- I didn't even know he was here." I lied as I kept my eyes on the floor.
Tadashi cupped my face and made my eyes look into his.
"Say That again, while looking me in the eye." I felt pressured. But I also needed to protect Suhan.
"I didn't know he was here." I repeated.
My eyes not faltering, not shaking not looking away from his.
He let go of my face.
"Hm. Good. You're not lying to me. Good girl."
I fell back, putting my hands down on the vanity.
Suhan just watched Tadashi.
"And you boy. I'll make you pay."
I watched as Tadashi kicked Suhan.
"No don't do that!" I screamed.
I tried pulling his arm back, only to get pushed and hitting my head, against the vanity.
I watched the mirror start falling my way.
Was this really how I was going to die.
I closed my eyes.
Instead I heard a cry.
A cry I had never imagined I'd hear in my life.
I opened my eyes to see Tadashi standing over my body. He had protected me from the mirror.
His blood dripping down on to my dress.
At the corner of my eye. I watched Suhan.
His voice a bit slurred.
"Elia! Let's go!"
I watched as Tadashi fell down to the floor.
Mirror shards cutting into his back. His perfect face, in pain.
I walked towards Suhan, but I stopped,
When I heard Tadashi's cries from the pain.
"I'm sorry Suhan. But I'm not that cruel."
"Elia? This is our chance to escape."
"I can't leave him here. He'll die if we leave him."
Suhan grabbed my wrist. "Now is our chance." I made his hand let go of my wrist. " I'm staying. You Suhan escape. I can't leave him to die here."
I heard Tadashi's silent groans.
Suhan cupped my face with both his hands.
"I promise. I'll come back for you."
I shook my head. "Forget you ever saw me, here."
He put his lips against mine.
He was trying to mess me up.
To convince me to go with him.
I pushed him.
"Go Suhan. Please forget me."
"I already promised. I'm not going back on my word."
He glanced at me one more time.
I guess he knew now.
That this poor fool had fallen for the predator.
No matter how hard I tried.
I still loved Tadashi.
He ran off.
The intention of taking me away in his eyes.
The intention to set me free.

Suhan's view:
I ran out the big door.
The sunshine giving me warmth.
But nothing gave me warmth like Elia's kisses.
I knew if she wanted or not.
I'd have to set her free.
If she spent more than an hour here.
I know I'd lose her.
That Tadashi Iwazaki.
He manipulated her brain.
He convinced her, convinced her heart he was the owner.
I can't let the last of her mind to
Be taken control of.
I didn't want her to be diagnosed with the Stockholm Syndrome.
The thought made me run faster.
The tears of pain both physically and emotionally, came like a storm.
Never did I think I'd fall for Elia.
That upperclassmen I always looked up to. That girl with a friendly, yet foolish heart. The smile that hid the pain she actually felt. The sparkle in her eyes over something so simple. The passionate way, she played the violin, back In high school.
Before I knew it, I was standing in an office. Officers all looking at me.
I was tired but I needed to report.
I had kept my promise.

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