9 Months, Two years

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Eric Park's view:
9 months has passed since the trial.
Elia has recovered mentally, after the abuse she went through. Every time I came home. I'd see her listening to the music box while rubbing the bump on her stomach.
Her father still hadn't come to see her, he was angry of what she did the day of the court.
No matter what she did, I always supported her.
She glanced at me since I had been watching her since I got home.
"Welcome home Eric."
"I'm back Elia."
She smiled as I sat on the couch beside her.
"How is this little punk feeling today?" I said as I kissed her stomach.
"Fine." She teased back.
At least once every week, she'd go see Tadashi in his treatments.  To only find out more and more about him.
When he was young, he witnessed his father killing his true biological mother, the woman named Verose Iwazaki, an Italian violinist.
His father had murdered Verose, by hitting her with her instrument 45 times.
It was understandable, why he went crazy his self, but instead of murdering he should've done what I did.
Become the officer to arrest the murderer of your mother. I myself witnessed the murder of my mother. I was 13, when she was shot to death by a mad man.
Tadashi's father had remarried 45 times, and killed two slowly by poisoning them, which could've influenced the spark in Tadashi's anger.
What made Tadashi even angrier, was that his father passed away in a car accident, not telling him why, he murdered his Mother Verose.
My belief and theory was,
He murdered women to see what was going through his father's mind.
He wanted to find the truth behind his father's obsession of killing women.
A criminal that was never caught.
Elia's view: I stood outside the room where Tadashi was receiving treatment.
He had a white button up shirt and white pants. He had gotten thinner, and he seemed to be able to smile more.
I smiled once I saw him,
Praying in the church.
He had changed a lot in the past months.
He became a Catholic, who prayed at least once daily, around the same time of day.
He did community service within the hospital.
He was the Tadashi, I always wanted to see.
The Tadashi who was finally free.
I watched him praying, when I felt the water break.
My child was coming its way.
I screamed in pain, to be carried by Eric Park.
"Clem one Elia let's go! I'll get you to the hospital right now, take deep breaths."
Eric park drive with the lights on, making sharp turns and once we were at the hospital he himself had carried me to the room.
The nurses kindly gave me the instructions.

Eric Park's view:
So this is what it felt to be a father.
I may have not been the child's biological father, but I saw the little bump grow. I cared for the child. I waited outside the room, hearing Elia's cries as she gave birth.
Then the cries multiplied,
The sound of a baby, a newborn baby crying.
The nurses walked out the room, carrying the child. They glanced at me.
"You must be the father." One of the nurses said with a smile. 
"Yes I am." I nodded and smiled.
I'm her arms she carried the beautiful child, yet to be bathed.
"A healthy and beautiful girl." The nurse said.
"Could I hold her?" I asked her, as I saw the child was asleep.
"But she's...still not bathed."
I shook my head, "it doesn't matter. I'd like to hold her."
"Of course."
The nurse handed me the child, which I rocked in my arms. It's tiny hands, moving as I rocked her.
I couldn't help but cry of happiness.
She was the most beautiful girl, I had seen in my life.
She was the daughter, I had always dreamed off.
The nurse took her from my arms to have her bathed. I made my way into Elia's room, where she was resting. I could see she was tired,
She had a smile. "It's a girl, Eric."
I nodded and cried happily.
"A beautiful girl."
They brought the girl, once she was cleaned and dressed.
They passed her to Elia. Elia held the child in her arms rocking her gently,
The nurses smiled at both of us.
"What do you want to name her?"
I was going to give a suggestion to Elia, since she never talked about names for her baby, when she just smiled.
The nurse wrote the name down. "A brilliant name miss."
Once the nurses left, Elia held her child in her arms rocking her.
"Suha, just like my guardian angel Suhan."
She looked at the glass behind me and smiled.
I sat next to her and held the child as she slept.

I knew Elia, would live happily at this point.
She had a smile, that I had never seen before.

Two years later,
Elia's view:
Suha has grown a lot In the past two years.
She seemed to enjoy classical music, every time I had it on the radio.
Eric Park, has grown to act like a father but Suha knew he wasn't her real father.
She'd ask me with the little she spoke about her Father. I would tell her every good he did.
It was finally time, Suha would meet her father.
And it would be Tadashi's first time to find out,
I had a girl, that was his.
Eric drove quietly, with music on.
"Are you ready to see him face to face again Elia?" He asked me anxious about me seeing Tadashi.
"I'm ready. I mean, I heard he gets discharged soon."
Eric smiled and ruffled my hair.
"I wish the best to both of you."
I smiled. I really was grateful for everything he did for me.
"I wish the best for you too."
I held Suha's hand as we walked towards his room.
The nurse outside his room smiled.
"Today is his last screening Mrs. Iwazaki. And then finally you'll be able to meet with him."
I placed Suha on my knee and pointed at Tadashi. He had long hair at this point.
He seas looking at the nurse, and answering her. I left Suha on the windowsill as I signed the papers the nurse wanted me to sign.

Tadashi's view:
Sir, Do you remember where all of this started?" 
The woman dressed in white asked me, as I blankly stared at the little girl outside the window.
The room was all white, not even a single speck of color.
The white bed, the white sheets, the white pillow.
Everything was white.
I nodded.
"How could I forget."
It was a cold mid- October day,
3 years ago, before My insatiable obsession began
The fall leaves resting upon the puddles by the curb.
The cold air of November coming in,
The stormy clouds who witnessed everything,
I was running late to my first college class,
On my way to the train,
I saw a police officer, smoking as he leaned against his bike,
I never gave thought to my future in life, I just let myself get carried away.
I took a seat on the train,
A middle schooler holding on to his violin case with Everything was just so boring,

Then I saw her,
She got on the train with her two friends,
A cute smile,
With a cute everything,
I wanted her to be only mine.
I wanted to kill her...
I knew since I was my father's son
I wasn't normal.
I never did believe in love
I just believed  in satisfaction,
I decided I wanted to be the last she saw with those deep brown eyes.
She noticed me looking at her,
And smiled not knowing what was going through my mind.
An Innocent ,but stupid lamb,
I liked it.
"We're here girls." She said with excitement to her friends.
The train stopped and she quickly got out her seat.
She ran out the train
Before the door closed,
A tag fell from her bag. I picked it up.
It read.
Elia Madison.

That very night,
Was when I claimed my first victim,
Since I did not want to kill Elia just yet,
I found my victim to be similar.
With the same face type, hair color and everything.
That night , I took the life of
The small petite girl Lilian Delan.

And so from that day forth,
45 murders collected up.
Along with the months then years.
Each with a similar characteristic to Elia.
At this point they named it Case 45.
The cold blooded murderer,
That's what they called me.
Instead of seeing puddles by the curb.
I saw puddles of blood in the bathroom tile.
Instead of the chilly cold weather,
I witnessed deaths.
I watched the cops make fools of themselves looking for the murderer.
I watched Elia grow from a student,
To a full college aged woman.
At this moment I knew I couldn't hold back.
I sat across from her on the train.
I smiled at her.
She smiled back.
We both got off the train and walked towards the same college.
The upperclassmen asked her for her name.
"Elia Madison."
I told them my name. Then I quickly followed behind her.
I had to do it.
" you're Elia?" I asked her.
She said my name, I nodded satisfied with And so from that day forth,
45 murders collected up.
Along with the months then years.
Each with a similar characteristic to Elia.
At this point they named it Case 45.
The cold blooded murderer,
That's what they called me.
Instead of seeing puddles by the curb.
I saw puddles of blood in the bathroom tile.
Instead of the chilly cold weather,
I witnessed deaths.
I watched the cops make fools of themselves looking for the murderer.
I watched Elia grow from a student,
To a full college aged woman.
At this moment I knew I couldn't hold back.
I sat across from her on the train.
I smiled at her.
She smiled back.
We both got off the train and walked towards the same college.
The upperclassmen asked her for her name.
"Elia Madison."
I told them my name. Then I quickly followed behind her.
I had to do it.
" you're Elia?" I asked her.
She said my name, I nodded satisfied with her response,
At this point I knew,
It was finally time I could start.
But who would've thought, that this existed.
The Stockholm Syndrome.

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