His Lips

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I woke up in the corner of my room.
My lips and throat felt dry.
Probably from vomiting.
I remembered the foot,
And the cold tile on my knees. When did I get back to my room. The last thing I remembered was collapsing to the cold tile floor, the smell of my vomit and the blurry vision of the foot.
I was wearing a man's suit coat, on top of my pj dress. My head was laying against something warm, and it smelled nice.
Like the cologne I've seen in the store my dad always bought suits at.
I was ready to pull
Myself away from Tadashi, I glanced to my right, to find.
Suhan Young, asleep. His breathing was a bit forced as if he had been hurt. My guess was Tadashi kicked him hard.
His black silky hair interwoven with his eyelashes.
I hadn't realized before how attractive he was.
I moved his hair out of his eyelashes, slowly with hopes of not waking him up.
He was faster than me. He grabbed my wrist and then quickly let go. "Ah sorry I thought you were him."
I nodded and put my arms in between my knees, since I realized I made the situation awkward.
"Elia...he knows I'm in here."
"Wait what?" I asked him as I leaned against the wall.
"Tadashi Iwasaki knows I'm here I'm this room with you."
"Why?" I asked him a bit scared. Was he planning on killing him in here.
"He has a visitorAnd this is the only room he could physically lock both of us in. While making sure it's soundproof as well."
I got to my feet and stumbled towards the door. I was going to start banging against the door but Suhan stopped me.
"If I were you I wouldn't bang on the door.
His visitor would find us."
"That's the point!" I argued as I tried to pull my wrist away.
"His visitor is none other than, Maxwell Turner. The criminal who murdered his girlfriend's family after she dumped him."
"How did you know that Suhan?"
"I saw him, while Tadashi brought me to this room."
I let myself fall back and sink to my knees.
There really wasn't hope of us escaping.
All I wanted was to be home.
Suhan, sat down beside me.
And put his arms around me.
"It's okay you can cry." He said as I let myself bury my face in his chest.
I cried my heart out.
I was frustrated about everything again.
He caresses my hair while I cried, showing me empathy.
I started to calm down.
Having Suhan here, actually helped me a lot. I felt like I could rely on him.
He smiled at me,
That pained smile of hopes and promise.
I smiled back, the best I could.
He leaned closer and placed his lips against mine.
His lips were cracked and dry,
Yet they were very warm.
I felt comfortable with him.
His grip around me tightened, and pulled me closer to him.
Our lips still together from the same kiss.
The strong cologne smell, filling up my nose.
Our lips separated, making me feel like I've sinned.
I was a married woman.
Married to my Kidnapper.
Yet I longed for another kiss from Suhan. 
Suhan put his thumb against my lips, making them part, before kissing me again.
His silky black hair tickled my forehead. 
I took my lips away from him, and laid my head against his chest.
I could hear his heartbeat,
His hands held me close to him, yet in a safe matter.
Like he'd never hurt me,
Tadashi did.
Like he'd never force me,
Tadashi did.
He was giving me comfort, safety, and decisions. While Tadashi gave me discomfort, dominance and threats.
I buried my face into his chest.
His hug covering my pain.
Maybe Suhan,
Really could save me.

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