His confession

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The next morning, I limped out of bed and quickly changed into my white dress. I put on some light pink lipstick and my favorite mascara. I was excited to see him. I sent him a message asking if he was ready. He replied. Soon/:n my guess it was a typo. I slipped on my black flats and slid down the railing of my staircase. "Where you off to so early Hun?" My mother asked as I took my purse of the coat rack. "I'm going to hangout with a friend."
"Oh have fun." She smiled and waved. I walked out, since I saw him standing outside. Wearing a white jacket and a marine blue cap. He smiled. "Let's go Elia." He ruffled my hair before we ran off to the train. By the train station, I noticed my dads police car, with the lights on was parked among other police cars, I saw my dad ordering around the cops. I ran over to him, Tadashi followed behind. "Dad what happened here?" My dad looked at me, then I looked over to where the caution tape was blocking off. There on the floor, next to the cherry blossoms was a corpse, of a young girl, around my age, she had long brown hair, and had been possibly stabbed more than 56 times around her abdomen, and cervical area. I screamed and fell back into Tadashi's chest. He followed my gaze and gasped. He fell back to the floor with me. "A corpse..." he said as he tried helping me up to my feet. My dad shook his head and pat my head. "You kids be careful, I don't want my little girl to be around this." "Understood sir." Tadashi said as he picked up his cap from the floor. He forced a smile to me. "Let's go, I don't Want to get in the way of your fathers investigation." "Yeah you're right. Let's go." We got on the train and I felt uneasy remembering the girls corpse. She looked a lot like me is what scared me. She had the long dark brown hair, and a small body. Tadashi rubbed my shoulders. "Stop stressing over it, I'm sure the murderer will get caught Elia." "I sure hope so." I said as I let myself get consumed into his brown eyes. He hugged me gently and turned me around to look at the tv. It was an advertisement to a movie theater. "Let's go there." "To watch a movie?" I asked as I felt his breath against my ear. "Yes let's watch a horror movie or something." "But isn't that for couples?" I asked as I tried looking at him. "Aren't we a couple?" He asked a bit teasingly. I pouted. "As if someone attractive like you would date me." He made me look at him. "I do like you Elia, why not be my girlfriend?" It was way to casual how he asked me out, it made me jump. "Stop teasing." "I'm not teasing I'm serious." I pouted. "Fine, I'll be your girlfriend." When the last word slipped out of my mouth, I blushed and slammed my face into my hands. He laughed and hugged me. "So cute~" we walked out to the movie theater, we purchased tickets to a horror movie. He even bought popcorn and drinks. We took a seat near the front, he put the popcorn on his leg so both of us could reach. The movie started, I felt anxious as I watched the protagonist screaming and running away from the monster. I felt chills as I looked at the monsters face. Tadashi put his arm around me shoulder and let me rest my head on his shoulder, I jumped when even the smallest thing scurried by in the movie. He quietly chuckled. "So cute~." When the movie was over, I massaged my shoulders. "God that was so scary." He laughed. "It wasn't that scary." "Yeah yeah." I said as we walked back to the train station. We shared a seat on our way home, he dropped me off at me house. He kissed my forehead. "Goodnight." "Goodnight Tadashi."
Our first date, then became dates, then weeks of dating. It was our 3rd week anniversary, I was excited. I was going to meet him at a fancy restaurant in the big city, a few stops farther than the school. I wore my elegant black dress, it felt tight around my waist, I wore a pearl necklace with matching earrings, red lipstick, a thick layer of mascara, I curled my hair and pinned it up to the side. This would be our first formal date.

...Never did I imagine, this would be my last date as the happiest girl named Elia Madison....

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