His next

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He turned to look at me as if he knew I was standing there. I jumped and hid behind the corner. "Why are you hiding I know you're there."
I peeked at him. He wasn't looking at me. He kept cooking then, I heard something from his room, a loud bump.
I walked away and headed off to his room. I opened the door, and looked around his room.
I know I heard something.
I opened the closet door.
There laying on the floor, was a young woman. Short black hair, green eyes.
I held in my scream when I noticed the bruises on her ankles and legs. She had been beaten up.
I noticed a baseball bat against the chest of his bed. I glanced at the bruises again. He hit her with the baseball bat. "
Help me "she croaked.
I nodded and knelt beside her. I untied her wrists and helped her get on her feet. She held on to my fur jacket. "
You young miss...what are you doing here he's going to kill you." I shook my head. Then her mouth dropped in horror. She tried screaming. I turned around to see.
Tadashi standing a foot behind me. With a frown. His eyes lusting to kill, "run!" I told the woman. We both tried running around, Tadashi. He grabbed me by the fur jacket and threw me on to the bed. My head ached.
I looked up to see Tadashi holding the woman by her hair.
He grabbed the baseball bat, and hit her hard against the head.
I saw the blood fly, splattering his bare chest. No scream came out. It only made it more horrifying.
I watched as he hit her again and again with the baseball bat. The blood splattering the wood tile, the beige walls, the white bed sham, and bed covers.
I cried when I realized the woman had been dead since the second blow.
He dropped the baseball bat, and the woman's corpse.
I stayed on the bed.
Unable to move.
To only watch him walk towards me in fear.
"I told you to behave."
I screamed as he stood by the side of the bed. I tried moving , but my legs wouldn't do as I wished
. "Paralyzed in fear." He said while laughing.
I watched him get on the bed.
He grabbed my wrists and pushed me down.
He wiped the blood on his face, and stared at me. He licked the blood off his fingertips.

I tried escaping, but he grabbed me by the fur jacket and pulled me back

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I tried escaping, but he grabbed me by the fur jacket and pulled me back.
I kicked at him, punched, biting, he still wouldn't let me go.
"I'm going to punish you for this Elia~"
I screamed as he smeared the blood on my face, and throat.
"Shush.." he put his hand over my mouth. He muffled my screams.
He put his lips against my ear, and bit it. I screamed louder, he chuckled at hearing my muffled scream. "Your screams are very cute Elia."  I pushed against his chest, he remained. He chuckled at my attempts.
"Hm...Elia... I thought you wanted your family to live."
I stopped kicking and looked straight into his eyes. "Your such a lier Elia."
I put my hands down and stared at him.
"Mhm~ that's more like it Elia."
I hated being his victim.

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