His obsession

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I walked out the door, expecting to see him there waiting for me. But then I remembered, we'd meet up at the place. It was a bit late but I was excited. I walked quickly to the train station, I took the closest seat. I got anxious as I looked at the time. Was I going to be late?! I got off at the stop. It was dark, I thought it was in the big city? Maybe I thought the wrong restaurant. I walked forward and texted him. I'm at the stop. He replied. "I'm almost there. Just keep walking, I'll run into you on the way Okay. I typed in okay. I walked out forward, it was a bit scary walking alone in the dark street. A car was driving towards me, I moved to the side. It stopped next to me. The door opened. I looked inside, it was Tadashi. "Come on Elia, let's go." "Ah Okay." I got into his car and put the seatbelt on. He smiled at me and looked me over. "Lovely girl." He turned around and started driving. We drove past a couple of houses, dim lights, then a black gate. More houses with dim lights, "where are we going?" I asked. He didn't answer. "Tadashi?" He smirked at me sending chills down my back. "Where else?" He said with a teasing tone.
"Weren't we going to the big city?" He chuckled, then I heard the car doors lock. He parked the car, and looked at me. He took off his seatbelt and leaned towards me. "Elia~" the look in his eyes were different. They weren't gentle and caring, there was blood lust in them. His smirk gave me chills. "Tadashi?" I asked in a shakily voice. He leaned closer and put his lips against mine. I felt chills as he shifted closer to me. Then I heard something, like a small clicking sound, the sound of a pocket knife. I pushed him away, the knife held perfectly in his hands. "Hmm...you've always been clever haven't you Elia." He said quietly as his eyes watched me closely. I unlocked the door and I unbuckled the seatbelt and ran. I heard the car start. I ran the fastest I could, my heel fell off as I ran. I needed to tell my dad, I tried reaching for my phone but then I remembered I left the purse in my bag. The car stopped next to me. Tadashi smirked and pushed me to the ground. I screamed and heard my other heel snap. I tried getting up, he pushed me back down and knelt beside me. His smirk showing the truth behind this handsome man. "Why do you think the past victims all looked like you?" He said as he grabbed me by the hair and pushed me into the backseat of his car. I tried fighting back, he tightly held me wrist and threw me inside. I tried getting out, he pulled out a syringe, I screamed as I felt the needle poking at my wrist. He injected the clear fluid, it made me calm, my vision went blurry, is this my end.  before I closed my eyes he whispered in my ear.

"If you stay quiet, I'll let you live dear love of mine."

This is when his Perfect Psychopaths romance began.

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