His Honeymoon pt. 2

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I opened my eyes to see the red silk bed curtains above my head, the wolf blanket keeping me warm. The cold air from the open window.
my wedding dress was on the vanity, stained with blood from the musicians he had killed.
I looked around the room, unchanged, with no differences since I had left the room.
then I remembered Suhan.
I jumped up and got off the bed, I tried opening the door. it was locked.
I hit my fist against the door.
The door creaked open. Tadashi sighed.
"what do you want Elia?"
"where is he?"
"He?" he smirked. " Oh the youngster, who plays the violin?"
I was scared to hear the words slip out his mouth. He died because of me. he could've escaped.
"He's in the attic."
I felt shiver crawl up my spine.  "In the attic?"
Tadashi chuckled.
"That boy really is persistent, I couldn't kill him just yet."
I pushed Tadashi out of my way, I ran around the mansion looking for a way to the attic. I found the ladder.
I climbed on it and opened the attic.
It was colder up here, I should've worn a jacket.
There bundled up in the corner was Suhan.
His face had bruises from getting hit,
I ran over to him and knelt besides him.
"Suhan." I lightly shook him.
He opened his eyes to look at me.
He spat out blood on to my white sleeping gown.
"Elia...you're still alive thank god."
" Suhan I'm sorry...I told you.."
he smiled, with the blood in the corner of his lips.
"I promise I'll get you out of here. Even if I die."
He put his hands on my shoulders.
"You have to be strong, and resist that psychopath."
I choked my tears back, just seeing how determined he was.  "I'll be fine." He smiled again. I heard Tadashi climbing up the ladder.
His brown eyes watching me curl up in the corner as he walked on the unsteady floor of the attic.
"Hm~ that's not nice Elia, you're cheating on me with this little kid."
Suhan looked at Tadashi,
Not afraid,
I put my hands against my ears.
"I'm not cheating on you Tadashi!!" I screamed as he knelt beside me.
"Mhm~ is that so?" He grabbed my wrist and pulled for down, so he could see my face.
Suhan, put his hands against the wall and tried pushing his self up.
"Look kid, it's not your business what my wife and I do." Tadashi pushed Suhan against the window.
I screamed as I heard the glass crack.
Suhan fell to his knees, and tried pushing Tadashi.
Tadashi chuckled. "Hopeless high schooler."
Tadashi kicked Suhan in the face, making blood fly and splatter the floor.
"Suhan!" I screamed.
"Elia, don't worry about the kid. Let's go"
Tadashi grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me out of the attic with him.
I glanced back to Suhan.
He was laying motionless on the cold wooden floor, his face laying in the small pool of blood.
I was scared he was dead.
"Elia. Let's go celebrate our Wedding."
I couldn't help but sob, afraid.
I wiped my tears with my free hand.
He made me sit by the counter. He sat in the stool in front of me.
"Don't cry Elia, it's only going to make our Honeymoon sour."
I choked back my tears, and remained silent.
He served us drinks from his expensive bottles.
He passed me a glass, he raised his glass. "Cheers love."
I raised my glass and nodded.
"Say it love."
He gulped down the whole glass,
I took a sip.
Accepting the bitterness of the wine,
This was my first time drinking, I figured he had forgotten,
I was still underage.
He chuckled at seeing my face.
"Bitter, isn't it love."
I nodded.
He served himself more,
I took another sip, the same bitter reaction as before.
He gulped down his glass again.
"Drink faster love."
He grabbed my glass and made me drink the whole glass.
I felt a bit tipsy, after finishing the glass, but I fought against myself to be conscious.
"More wine love?"
I shook my head.
"Why not?"
He put his hand on my shoulder.
"I already drank too much." I whispered as I felt my head spin in circles.
"Ah new drinker?" He teased as he put my glass away.
"I'm underage." I whispered.
He just chuckled.
"That's funny. At your age I drank my father's best wine he had in the cellar."
He came back to me, and picked me up. I felt like a child getting carried by him.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked him,
I felt his warm breath against my collar bone.
"To a surprise." He continued carrying me. As we passed by the dining hall.
I noticed the dead musicians still laying in pools of blood,
The blood still splattered on the windows. I felt a cold chill crawl down my spine.
He opened a door, and put me down to my feet.

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