Doors and Sorrow

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I was getting discharged.
Eric Park helped me walk around the hospital, as he led me to Suhan's room. I needed to thank him.
"He's in this room over here Elia." 
He opened the door for me, there he was. Suhan Young was laying on his hospital bed. He looked tired. "Elia." He pushed himself up.
"You're safe." I nodded.
"I'm safe."
He smiled and grabbed my hand. "Thank god. We both made it out alive. Officer has he been caught yet?"
Eric Park shook his head. "He's still on the loose."
Suhan nodded. "I see. Well Elia, I'll be discharged soon. I got accepted in the preforming arts high school."
"Really? That's great!" I sat on the corner of his bed. I never believed this kid was going to actually save me.  He kept his word.
He was young.
A tall man walked in to the room. He had red hair, thick glasses, and walked right up to Suhan.
"Ah Mr. Young, I'm here to deliver your school acceptance letter."
His voice was familiar, but I couldn't think at the moment, who's voice it was.
Eric Park smiled and reached out towards me. "It's time we took you home."
"Okay." I took his hand and walked towards the exit with him.
His hand felt warm and made me feel safe. The nurses gawking at his looks.
His smile made me smile. "Officer." I started.
"Call me Eric." He interrupted. "But yes?"
"Will you catch Tadashi?"
He nodded. "Even if it's the last thing I do."

Nurse's view:
I walked into the room that belonged to the violinist, to give him his daily medication. That young man was an inspiration. He had saved the girl's life, not caring about his own body and health.
I walked into the room, with the needle in hand. When I saw him.
I screamed.

Elia's view: 
A scream. It interrupted the moments of happiness I had. Eric Park looked at me and then ran with me.
The scream had come from the room we had left not so long ago.
We barged into the room.
The nurse crying on the floor.
There laying against the bed, he still looked like a model. 
Suhan Young.

Eric Park tried taking me out of the room

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Eric Park tried taking me out of the room.
"Suhan!" I screamed and cried. I pushed Eric out of my way and knelt beside, my Guardian Angel.
His throat was bruised as if he was choked to death. His hands were a bit tense like he was trying to stop the person from choking him.
His lips were separated just like that time we kissed.
His eyes closed, below his black bangs.
And there below his white shirt, were scars. Scars he had carved himself. An address and a name. Tadashi Iwazaki.
Then it all hit me.
The voice I belonged to him.
To Tadashi Iwazaki.
"Suhan." I shook his shoulders, I knew he wouldn't respond, but I kept shaking him.
"Suhan. Don't leave me!!"
It was my fault he had died. I rested his head on my throat. "Suhan!!" I cried.
I rocked back and forth with him in my arms.
I had lost someone so precious,
someone who deserved better.
I had lost the pillar who kept my hopes up.
His hair tickling my neck as I cried and and screamed for him to not leave me.
Eric knelt beside me. "Elia Madison. Let's go."
"No!! I can't leave him here!"
"Suhan! Come back!"
Eric managed to separate me from Suhan, he carried me outside towards his car.
He placed me inside his car and did the seatbelt for me.
"Elia. I'm sure it was Tadashi Iwazaki." He started as he started to drive me home.
I was having a hard decision in my head. To tell him I knew it was or to tell him it was a
But, I knew justice had to be done.
Suhan Young, the young dreamer boy was murdered by my...husband.
"It was Tadashi Iwazaki."
Eric Park, looked at me.
"Really?! Why didn't you tell me?" He hit his thigh. "We could've saved Suhan."
The guilt was eating me inside.
"I didn't know it was him, was too late. His voice I recognized it."
He looked at me, and rubbed my shoulder.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to pressure you Elia. It's just never mind."
He drove to my house, thinking. I looked out the window and watched the city I always loved. 
He parked in front of my house and opened the door for me. "I'll wait here in case something happens okay."
"Okay." I walked through the door. Smelling the familiar smell of my mother's cooking.
My little brother made his way to me, hugging me. "Hello little one".
My dad was sitting on the couch. An angry look on his face. I didn't like it.
I made my ways towards him. When he snapped.
"You're not allowed in this house as long as you have that baby!" He yelled loudly. I fell back, almost tumbling down with my mother's vase.
My mother wearing her apron, red puffy eyes.
I knew she had argued with my father but there was nothing she could do about it.
Once my father made a decision, there was no changing it.
I got back up to my feet, without saying good bye I walked out the door I had come through.
You no longer are the Elia Madison you once were.
You have a child, one who needs your support, one who needs your love.
You are Elia Iwazaki.
Eric Park, gave me a startled look. "Back so soon?"
"I'm never coming back here, Eric. Could you tell me somewhere I could go."
Eric caught on with what I was saying.
My parents didn't approve my decisions. But I will do mine.
He smiled and nodded. "You can stay at my place. It's probably the safest place I could offer as well."
I smiled at Eric. He was someone I felt that I could trust.
"Thanks Eric."
"And also," He kinda stuttered at first. "I could help you raise the child. I mean it might be hard for you to do it on your own. I mean if you let me of course."
I couldn't reject that. He had saved my life, he had protected me, he never gave up the search on me.
He supported my decision of raising my child.
And now he offered to father it.
Though my heart and mind were still in confusion over my feelings for Tadashi.
I knew I could give him a shot at it.
To become that father for my child.
"Sure Eric. I'm really grateful for everything you are doing."

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